It stands for Post office because i put into the survey I was doing for school and it was correct
The purpose of a map legend is to show a distance marker and highlight various symbols that are featured on a particular map. The legend also shows the colors of the roads and what each color means.
The nuclear decay equation for Po-208 is: Po-208 → Pb-204 + He-4
Because Po are the first two letters of the name.
You can contact the local post office where the PO Box is located and inquire about its status. They will be able to provide information on whether the PO Box is still active or not.
Post Office
it is in Italy
The address of the Ri Natural History Survey is: Po Box 1858, Kingston, RI 02881-0498
The address of the Maritime Archaeological Survey Team Inc is: Po Box 93352, Cleveland, OH 44101-5352
PO-by mouth q-every
po (פה) = "here"
PO stands for purchase order
No, "po po" does not have a specific meaning in Greek. It is not a Greek word or phrase.
its mean With you and me
I`am trying to find out what it mean. what dose it mean?
"Kini Po Po" means "urinary incontinence" in English.
PO: Per Oral SS: Suspend Solids