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If your wondering what it will show up on a drug test here is what I know! I was in a program that tested my urine once a week. I was being tested by a normal five panel dip stick, meth, coc, THC, opi, Benz, and when i was being tested i was passing drug test while on Oxycontin. It wasn't until the program director figured out that Oxycontin didn't show up on a drug test that he had to special order "oxy" test strips. And the same is for percocet also. So I hope that helps answer your question a little. HXP

It metabolizes into noroxycodone and oxymorphone.

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Oxycontin metabolizes primarily into oxymorphone and noroxycodone, which are also active metabolites. These metabolites contribute to the overall effects and potency of Oxycontin in the body.

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yes if but it may prolong the effects of the Oxycontin because you will metabolize it slower

Does smoking oxycontin make it stay in your system longer than snorting it?

When a drug is consumed, it all goes to the bloodstream one way or another, so it should metabolize at the same rate and get out of your system at the same speed.

Is Oxycontin same as Oxycontin?

Sure is!

What is the Spanish word for Oxycontin?

Oxycontin = oxicodona

What is Oxycontin called in Mexico?

El Oxycontin

Do Oxycontin have an imprint of an m on them?

Generic Oxycontin, yes.

Can you inject 60mg Oxycontin?

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What chemicals or products does oxycontin have?

The chemical formula of oxycontin is C18H21NO4.

What is half life of Oxycontin?

OxyContin is an opioid analgesic that has an abuse liability similar to morphine. The half-life of OxyContin is at 3.2 hours.

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What is the molecular formula for Oxycontin?

The molecular formula for Oxycontin is C18H21NO4•HCl .