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The formula tells how many atoms of which elements are found in a molecule of propane. It indicates that there are 3 atoms of carbon and 8 atoms of hydrogen in a molecule of propane.

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Q: What does C3H8 tell about a molecule of propane?
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Is C3H8 a compound?

Yes, C3H8 is a compound. It is the chemical formula for propane, a hydrocarbon gas commonly used as a fuel.

How many carbon atoms are present in 1 molecule of propane?

There are 3 carbon atoms in 1 molecule of propane.

What is the name for this molecule ch3 ch2 ch3?

The molecule is called propane. It is a three-carbon alkane with the chemical formula C3H8.

How many atoms are present in the formula for propane?

The chemical formula of propane is C3H8; 11 atoms are present in the molecule.

Is C3H8 inorganic?

No, C3H8 is not inorganic. It is a compound of carbon and hydrogen, making it an organic molecule.

What is the compound for the formula C3H8?

The compound for the formula C3H8 is propane.

Does carbon and hydrogen make up propane?

Yes, propane is a hydrocarbon composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Specifically, propane is a three-carbon molecule with eight hydrogen atoms, represented by the chemical formula C3H8.

How many carbons does propane have?

Three. Propane is C3H8, a (hydrocarbon) molecule containing 3 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms.

What is the molecular sign for propane?

THe chemical formula (not molecular sign) for propane is C3H8.

How many carbon atoms are found in the chemical formula of propane?

Propane has a chemical formula of C3H8, which means there are 3 carbon atoms in a molecule of propane.

How does the size of a nitrogen molecule compare to that of propane?

A nitrogen molecule (N2) is smaller than a propane molecule (C3H8). The size of a molecule is determined by its molecular weight and structure. Nitrogen is a diatomic molecule composed of two nitrogen atoms, while propane is a larger molecule composed of three carbon and eight hydrogen atoms.

What does the chemical formula C3H8 stands for?

The chemical formula C3H8 represents propane, which is a hydrocarbon compound commonly used as fuel for heating and cooking due to its properties as a clean-burning and efficient energy source.