Slice through the center as if it had equater (Think Earths Equater)
The SUN is almost directly overhead the equator all year.
If you wanted to travel from Antarctica to the equator, you would need to head north. Antarctica is located at the southernmost point on Earth, while the equator is an imaginary line that runs around the middle of the Earth. Traveling north from Antarctica would take you towards the equator, which is located at 0 degrees latitude.
The center of the intersection at the end of Springhill Ave, where it runs into Dauphin St, is 2,118.8 miles from the equator. Of course, if you head back up Springhill Ave, you get farther from the equator, and if you jog over and drive down S. Dearborn St, you get closer to it.
A coronal plane through the head passes through the skull, brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
In popular folklore, vampires are said to be killed by a stake through the heart, exposure to sunlight, decapitation, or being burned. Additionally, some legends involve using holy water, garlic, or silver as deterrents against vampires.
My understanding of a garlic head is that it is the cluster of cloves. The individual cloves of garlic grow in what is called the "head" of garlic. You can buy garlic by the head or as cloves.
A head of garlic
A clove of garlic is a single "wedge-shaped" section of the entire white "bulb" of the garlic.
I have never heard of a toe of garlic A head of garlic is sometimes referred to as a "foot," with the individual cloves being called "toes."
to bust your head open crack your skull damage your head ...split your wig if you had a wig, it would be split
Roast the trimmed and topped head, then cool and squeeze the roasted head. Voila, roasted, minced garlic. Two cups should be about a dozen heads, depending upon variety and head size.
"An example of split dialogue, you say." The author scratched his head and ran a hand through his hair, making it stand on end. "I'd say this ought to do it."
No, it's one of the pieces inside. The whole thing is known as a "head" of garlic.
I'm certain that you meant clove of garlic and not "glove" of garlic. that being said a clove of garlic is an individual segment of the entire head of garlic, a medium size head of garlic usually contain around 14 to 18 cloves of garlic. garlic can be and most often is sold by the head or the cloves are sold in a container where they are preserved in some type of solution whether it be water or olive oil. it can also be sold in this same solution either diced or minced. these are often the best choice if you want lots of garlic quickly; as the gloves are already peeled for you. A small jar of garlic whether it be whole, minced or diced can be anywhere from 3-5 dollars.
One head of garlic will vary in weight depending on how big it is. Some weigh a few grams while others can weigh several ounces.
The flip of a fair coin is 0.5 heads and tails, so you want the probability of head & head. This probability of garlic, garlic two consecutive tosses is 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25.
The pieces of garlic when you peel the skin off are usually called cloves but sometimes are called buds. The whole bulb of garlic with roots and all is sometimes called a head or bud of garlic. The garlic plant forms buds when the flowers are forming. It could be any of these things.