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The critical point of CO2 is 304.1K and 72.8 atm. If you're at 25C (298.15K), then CO2 will condense from gas to liquid. If you're above 31C (304.15K), then CO2 will condense from gas to a supercritical fluid.


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When carbon dioxide gas is compressed to 70 atmospheric pressure, it becomes more dense and occupies a smaller volume. The molecules are packed closer together, and the gas may also increase in temperature due to the compression process.

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Q: What do you observe when carbon dioxide gas is compressed to 70 atmospheric pressure?
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Why is there no liquid carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide exists in a gaseous state at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature. To liquefy carbon dioxide, it must be subjected to very low temperatures and high pressures, typically below -78.5 degrees Celsius and above 5.1 atmospheres. At these conditions, carbon dioxide can exist as a liquid.

Is there a synonym for atmosphere probe?

Atmospheric probe is a commonly used term, and there are no widely recognized synonyms for it. However, you could use terms like atmospheric sensor or atmospheric instrument to refer to similar devices used for studying the atmosphere.

Where do you see the properties of air in everyday life?

Air, which is a mixture of gases, exerts pressure. We can see this as we observe a breeze moving the leaves of trees around. Air can be compressed, and we can demonstrate that if we blow up a balloon. Air is transparent, and we can't see it. There are other properties of air that are a little hard to see as air is a very light, transparent gas mixture.

An astronaut in outer space will observe sky as?

An astronaut in outer space will observe the sky as dark with scattered stars. The lack of atmosphere means there is no scattering of light, resulting in a darker background compared to Earth. The stars will appear much brighter and more numerous due to the absence of atmospheric interference.

What is the study of the earth's weather patterns in various regions?

The study of the earth's weather patterns in various regions is called meteorology. Meteorologists use scientific principles to observe, analyze, and forecast weather phenomena such as temperature, precipitation, wind, and atmospheric pressure. Their goal is to provide accurate weather predictions to help people prepare for and respond to changing weather conditions.

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Why is there no liquid carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide exists in a gaseous state at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature. To liquefy carbon dioxide, it must be subjected to very low temperatures and high pressures, typically below -78.5 degrees Celsius and above 5.1 atmospheres. At these conditions, carbon dioxide can exist as a liquid.

What does a meteorologist observe?

Meteorologists study the weather, and/or current atmospheric conditions.

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You can check the local barometric pressure by using a barometer, accessing a weather website or app that provides real-time data, or tuning into a weather forecast on TV or radio. Additionally, some smartphones have built-in barometric pressure sensors that can provide this information.

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You would observe effervescence (bubbling) due to the release of carbon dioxide gas. The reaction produces sodium chloride, water, and carbon dioxide.

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Is there a synonym for atmosphere probe?

Atmospheric probe is a commonly used term, and there are no widely recognized synonyms for it. However, you could use terms like atmospheric sensor or atmospheric instrument to refer to similar devices used for studying the atmosphere.

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