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Keep on clothes

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Q: What do you do with layered clothing when falling overboard in cold water?
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If you have prepared for boating in cold water conditions by wearing layered clothing. If you have fallen overboard. What is the best action to take with respect to your clothing?

take it off

Is hail ice snow or water?

The definition of hail is falling balls or chucks of ice. Some argue that sometimes snow is also layered within the ice.

If you have prepared for boating in cold water conditions by wearing layered clothing If you have fallen overboard What is the best action to take with respect to your clothing?

Provided you clothing is not pulling you down, it is best to keep it on as it will trap an insulating layer of water round you. You are more likely to die of hypothermia if you discard your cloths.

What did early sailors fear?

Sailors were afraid they would fall off the Earth That sea monsters would attack them That the sea water was boiling hot Falling overboard Suffering from scurvy Dying from starvation

Can you use overboard in a sentence?

"She seemed to go overboard with the glitter... she got it all over her hands!" or in a different type of context you could say "The man fell overboard into the water."

A glacial deposit that is sorted and layered by streams or melt water is called?

a glacial deposit that is sorted and layered by streams or melted water is called

What is the danger of a strainer in the water on a river?

Strainers can trap boats and knock boaters overboard.

When layered into a single column which water will sink to the bottom?

In a column where different liquids are layered based on their density, the liquid with the highest density will sink to the bottom. For example, if water, oil, and honey are layered in a column, honey, being the most dense, will sink to the bottom followed by water and then oil.

Water oil glycerin how will they be layered?

Water on bottom, oil on top and glycerin between them.

What is the origin of the idiom to go overboard?

It's a boating phrase. Overboard means to go over the board, which is part of the boat. If you go overboard on a boat, you fall out into the water. As an idiom, it has come to mean doing so much that it seems excessive.

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Losing your boat

How is the ocean layered?

Mixed Layer Main Thermocline Deep Water Layer