First the octupus catches its prey till it has full control over it. Secondly it bites it with its beak. The beak then makes its prey fall in a doze or sleep. Then since its prey does not try to escape the octopus eats it.
A group of octopuses is called a consortium.
Yes, blue ring octopuses are carnivores. They primarily feed on small crustaceans, shrimp, and fish that they catch using their venomous bites.
Yes, some species of octopuses can have a purple coloration. Octopuses are known for their ability to change color to blend in with their surroundings or to communicate with other octopuses. Purple is just one of the many vibrant colors that octopuses can display.
Yes, octopuses have relatively large eyes compared to their body size. Their eyes are essential for their hunting and survival in the ocean, providing excellent vision and the ability to detect even subtle movements in the water.
No because you can't 'eat' water, you can only drink it.
No. The only group of animals that suckled milk from the mother are mammals. Octopuses are not mammals, nor even vertebrates.
other octopuses kill octopuses!!!! :-D
no!!They do not even have octopuses in sea world!!: )
what does an octopuses ink do to its predator
octopuses need poo and pee
the octopuses real name is octopus.
Octopuses have copper and magnesium in their blood.
octopuses do not attack its just the matter of how you handle them
Yes, octopuses have three hearts.
No, octopuses are invertabrates. They are in Kingdom Anamalia and Phylum Molusk.
No. Octopuses live in salt water, not fresh.