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depends on the color

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Q: What do colored numbers on a road map indicate?
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How would you show a road on a map?

A twin set of black lines, coloured between to indicate the type of road. (Motorway, dirt, sealed, .. .)

How do you know on a topograghical map it there is a hill or a depression?

You look at the contours. Steeply sloping contours with numbers that are increasing usually indicate that the height is increasing, and may be an indicator for hills. Contrastingly, steeply sloping contours with decreasing numbers indicate a decreasing altitude, and may indicate a depression or a valley.

What map is used for road maps?

Well a road MAP is a map so technically a road map is used for a road map. On the other side its like a climate map is like a weather map and usually tourists and meteorologists use climate maps. Road maps are like street maps.

What type of map do they have?

a road map

What do map pencils look like?

Map pencils are similar to colored pencils, but are widely viewed as inferior.

What is a key on a map is used for?

It is used to indicate symbols on the map.

What is the key used for on a map?

It is used to indicate symbols on the map.

What is the use of the road map?

the use of a road map is to see important roads

What is the relevance of a topographic map to tourism?

Unlike road maps, which might indicate only the twists and turns of roads, a topographic map can show which roads and trails have extensive differences in elevation, and therefore greater difficulty in travelling.

. Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a?

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a .?

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a

What do shaded areas on a weather map indicate?

Shaded areas on a weather map typically indicate areas that are experiencing certain weather phenomena, such as precipitation, cloud cover, or specific weather advisories. The shading can help visualize the extent and intensity of the weather conditions in those regions.