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3mo ago

A neuron will have an action potential if the stimuli it receives are strong enough to reach its threshold level. Once the threshold is reached, voltage-gated channels open, allowing an influx of sodium ions which triggers depolarization and leads to the generation of an action potential.

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Q: What determines whether a neuron has an action potential?
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What determines if an action potential is initiated in the postsynaptic neuron?

Every time neurotransmitter is released from the presynaptic neuron it generates an excitatory post synaptic potential(EPSP) in the postsynaptic neuron. When the EPSP is greater than the threshold for excitation an action potential is generated.

What is in the dendrites of the postsynaptic nerve?

Dendrites of a postsynaptic nerve contain receptors for neurotransmitters released by the presynaptic neuron. These receptors detect and respond to the neurotransmitters by initiating an electrical signal that travels towards the cell body. This signal determines whether the neuron will fire an action potential.

When neuron stimulated enough it?

When a neuron is stimulated enough, it reaches its threshold potential and fires an action potential. This action potential travels down the axon of the neuron, allowing for the communication of signals to other neurons or cells.

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neurotransmitters from the synaptic vesicles into the synapse. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptor proteins on the adjacent neuron, initiating a new action potential in the postsynaptic neuron.

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What has to be crossed before the neuron fires?

The threshold potential must be reached for the neuron to fire. This is the level of depolarization that triggers an action potential to be generated and propagated along the neuron.

The start of an action potential?

The action potential begins when the neuron is stimulated and reaches a certain threshold of excitation. This causes voltage-gated ion channels to open, allowing a rapid influx of sodium ions into the neuron, leading to depolarization. This depolarization triggers a cascading effect along the neuron's membrane, resulting in the propagation of the action potential.

What is the rapid change in membrane's potential caused by the deplariztion of a neuron?

action potential

Corresponds to the period of repolarization of the neuron?

The period of repolarization of a neuron corresponds to the time when potassium ions move out of the neuron, allowing the cell to return to its resting potential. This phase follows the peak of the action potential when sodium channels close and potassium channels open, leading to membrane potential restoration. Repolarization is essential for the neuron to be able to generate subsequent action potentials.

What is the regeneration of action potential called?

The regeneration of action potential is called "propagation." It involves the transmission of the action potential along the length of the neuron's axon.

What do resting and action potentials depend on?

The resting and action potentials depend on the balance of charges of the area outside the neuron and inside the neuron. A resting potential is when the neuron is more negatively (approximately -70mv) charged than the area outside the neuron. The action potential occurs when sodium ions rush into the neuron, causing the polarity to be reversed. When there is no difference in charge between the area inside the neuron and the area outside the neuron, no action potentials can be started by that neuron.

When the neuron is sussiciently stimulated this process and triggers the action potential?

When a neuron is sufficiently stimulated, it depolarizes, allowing sodium ions to rush into the cell, triggering an action potential. The action potential travels down the length of the neuron, causing the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse and facilitating communication with other neurons.