The country located at 33 degrees South latitude and 55 degrees West longitude is Uruguay.
Since you did not specify the direction of longitude, the country located at 20 degrees south latitude and 140 degrees east longitude is Australia, while the country located at 20 degrees south latitude and 140 degrees west longitude is France. The location is French Polynesia, which is a French territory.
Paraguay is located at 23 degrees south latitude and 58 degrees west longitude.
South Africa
The country located at 33 degrees South latitude and 55 degrees West longitude is Uruguay.
Since you did not specify the direction of longitude, the country located at 20 degrees south latitude and 140 degrees east longitude is Australia, while the country located at 20 degrees south latitude and 140 degrees west longitude is France. The location is French Polynesia, which is a French territory.
Paraguay is located at 23 degrees south latitude and 58 degrees west longitude.
South Africa
New Zealand is located at 40 degrees south latitude and 175 east longitude.
The country at 40 degrees south latitude and 70 degrees west longitude is Chile.
There is no country at the coordinates 80 degrees south latitude and 140 degrees west longitude. It is a point on the continent of Antarctica.