South Africa
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
That point is in northern Sudan. There are also trillions of other points in Sudan, each with different latitude and longitude. There's no such thing as the latitude and longitude of a whole country.
The coordinates 30N latitude and 30 longitude intersect near Egypt, specifically in the northern part of the country.
It is Chile .
The country located at 30°N latitude and 30°E longitude is Egypt.
South Africa
Latitude: 10°20′S to 27°SLongitude: 30°10′E to 40°10′E
Latitude: N 20° 33' 17.0989" | Longitude: E 74° 30' 36.1048"
Latitude: 42°30′24″N Longitude: 84°39′20″W
Latitude: 30°19′10″N Longitude: 96°20′48″W
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
30 S 20 E is in South Africa.
The country that lies at 30° latitude and 105° longitude is China.
Approximate latitude: 17°30′N to 20°NApproximate longitude: 68°W to 72°W
That point is in northern Sudan. There are also trillions of other points in Sudan, each with different latitude and longitude. There's no such thing as the latitude and longitude of a whole country.
19°82' East longitude