The coordinates 29 degrees N latitude and 29 degrees E longitude point to the country of Egypt. Specifically, it falls near the city of Cairo, the capital of Egypt.
Egypt is located at approximately 29 degrees latitude north and 29 degrees longitude east.
The coordinates 29 degrees south latitude and 24 degrees east longitude point to South Africa.
The coordinates 29 degrees latitude and 98 degrees longitude point to the city of Houston, Texas in the United States.
San Antonio, Texas is located at 29 degrees north latitude and 98 degrees west longitude.
The latitude of Belize is approximately 17.1899° N, and the longitude is around 88.4976° W.
Egypt is located at approximately 29 degrees latitude north and 29 degrees longitude east.
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country. That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
The coordinates 29 degrees North Latitude and 26 degrees East Longitude correspond to the country of Egypt. Egypt is situated in northeastern Africa
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country. That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
The coordinates 29 degrees south latitude and 24 degrees east longitude point to South Africa.
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country. That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
The coordinates 29 degrees latitude and 98 degrees longitude point to the city of Houston, Texas in the United States.
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country (Or even a whole county.) That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
San Antonio, Texas is located at 29 degrees north latitude and 98 degrees west longitude.
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country. That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
The latitude of Belize is approximately 17.1899° N, and the longitude is around 88.4976° W.