Since the Philippines occupies the Timezone UTC + 8 or GMT + 8, any country in the Timezone UTC + 3 is a viable candidate.
Some UTC + 3 countries (this list is not exhaustive).
Quatar is behind by 5 hours. example Philippines is 5:46AM quatar is 12:46AM (which is midnight.)
Honolulu is 6 hours behind the Philippines. When it's noon in the Philippines, it's 6:00 a.m. in Honolulu. Neither places observes daylight saving time [DST] when clocks are set one hour ahead.
Nashville is 6 hours behind the UK during Daylight Saving Time and 5 hours behind when the UK is on standard time.
Toronto is 5 hours behind the UK in the summer (due to Daylight Saving Time) and 6 hours behind in the winter.
Zero.All US timezones are behind the UK. The UK is in GMT the US timezones (and the number of hours behind) and shown below:Eastern (GMT-5)Central (GMT-6)Mountain (GMT-7)Pacific (GMT-8)Alaska (GMT-9)Hawaii (GMT-11)
Quatar is behind by 5 hours. example Philippines is 5:46AM quatar is 12:46AM (which is midnight.)
Behind by 5-6 hours. But definately behind
Countries using the GMT-5 offset: USA & Canada:
5 hours behind London time...
Yes, between 5 and 8 hours.
Some parts of australia are 9 hours ahead P.s. i know this because i am from uk and i have a friend in australia
Ontario is behind the UK. The time difference is currently 5 hours.
5 hours
5 hours
Behind or if front of who?
Honolulu is 6 hours behind the Philippines. When it's noon in the Philippines, it's 6:00 a.m. in Honolulu. Neither places observes daylight saving time [DST] when clocks are set one hour ahead.
England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. US Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Orlando is 5 hours behind England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)