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  • The earth wire, striped green and yellow, is connected to the terminal marked E; this should be the longest of the three wires so that it is the last to become detached if the cable is strained.
  • The live wire (brown) is connected to the terminal marked L.
  • The neutral wire (blue) is connected to the terminal marked N.
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15y ago
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9mo ago

The color code for a 3-pin electric plug in US is typically black (hot), white (neutral), and green (ground). It's important to always consult a professional electrician or follow local electrical codes when working with electrical wiring to ensure safety.

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14y ago

E=Earth=Green&yellow wire=Longest Pin on the plug

L=Live=Brown or Red wire.

N=Neutral=Blue or Black wire.

When holding plug in your hand with the 3 pins facing upward Neutral will be on your right and Live will be to your left.

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17y ago

For 120 volt A/C systems in the USA: white = return black = hot power green = safety ground

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12y ago

Brown = Live

Blue = Nuetral

Green/Yellow = Earth

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12y ago

Blue, brown and green with a yellow stripe. Blue is neutral.

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12y ago

brown, gray, blue

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Q: What colour code used for 3 pin electric plug?
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