The city of Charleston in located along the longitude of 80 W. This is near Pennsylvania.
For every 15 degrees of longitude, there is a time difference of 1 hour. So, a city located at 45 degrees W longitude would be 3 hours behind a city at 15 W longitude. Therefore, when it is 2 AM in the city at 15 W longitude, it would be 11 PM in the city at 45 W longitude.
The city located at 50Β° N latitude and 97Β° W longitude is Winnipeg, which is the capital and largest city of the province of Manitoba in Canada.
Panama City in Panama is located north of the equator and near 70 W longitude.
The coordinates 47 N 122 W correspond to the city of Seattle, Washington in the United States. The latitude of 47 N places it in the northern hemisphere, while the longitude of 122 W places it in the western hemisphere. Seattle is known for its iconic Space Needle, vibrant music scene, and proximity to the Pacific Ocean.
38 N 122 W is Willow Pass Rd, Concord, CA 94519, USA
The city of Charleston in located along the longitude of 80 W. This is near Pennsylvania.
51 N 122 W is to the west of Edge Hills Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. The nearest city is Vancouver, but is quite a long way away.
For every 15 degrees of longitude, there is a time difference of 1 hour. So, a city located at 45 degrees W longitude would be 3 hours behind a city at 15 W longitude. Therefore, when it is 2 AM in the city at 15 W longitude, it would be 11 PM in the city at 45 W longitude.
The city located at 50Β° N latitude and 97Β° W longitude is Winnipeg, which is the capital and largest city of the province of Manitoba in Canada.
Panama City in Panama is located north of the equator and near 70 W longitude.
New York City, located at approximately 74 degrees W longitude, has the highest population of any city in the US.
There does not seem to be a city located exactly at 37.37 degrees latitude and W 98 degrees longitude. The city that is closest to these coordinates is Wichita, KS or Sun City in Kansas.
The coordinates 47 N 122 W correspond to the city of Seattle, Washington in the United States. The latitude of 47 N places it in the northern hemisphere, while the longitude of 122 W places it in the western hemisphere. Seattle is known for its iconic Space Needle, vibrant music scene, and proximity to the Pacific Ocean.
Latitude: 49°11′N Longitude: 122°51′W
Latitude: N 47° 36' 22.3542", Longitude: W 122° 19' 55.4549"