Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is located at approximately 35 degrees south latitude and 150 degrees east longitude.
No country is located at 150 degrees north latitude 100 degrees east longitude, as those coordinates would be in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole.
Egypt is located at 29N latitude and 29E longitude.
Egypt is located at approximately 29 degrees latitude north and 29 degrees longitude east.
Couradda, New South Wales
Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is located at approximately 35 degrees south latitude and 150 degrees east longitude.
No country is located at 150 degrees north latitude 100 degrees east longitude, as those coordinates would be in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole.
Egypt is located at 29N latitude and 29E longitude.
For Latitude 130! and Longitude 150!
Egypt is located at approximately 29 degrees latitude north and 29 degrees longitude east.
Couradda, New South Wales
Latitude: 34°40′18"S Longitude: 150°51′23"E
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country. That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
No point on Earth could possible be situated at those coordinates, because the highest possible number for latitude is 90 degrees. 90° North latitude is the north pole, and 90° south latitude is the south pole.
The total surface of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is 8 249 km2. Latitude: between approx. 150 North latitude and 70 North latitude. Longitude: between approx. 920 East longitude and 950 East longitude.
That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.
There's no such thing as the latitude/longitude of a whole country. That point is in central Egypt, about 150 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.