That point is alongside the north bank of the Kansas River, across the Union-Pacific
tracks and about 760-ft south of the centerline of Golden Rd, about 2 miles east of
the center of Linwood, and about 11.7 miles west of the Midland Drive exit on I-435
in Shawnee, Kansas.
39 N 95 W is Sherman, Kansas, USA.The nearest city is Kansas City.
The city located at 40 degrees 25 minutes north latitude and 5 degrees 39 minutes west longitude is Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal.
St Louis Missouri
There's no city there. That point is in northern Sierra Leone, only a few miles from the border with Guinea, and about 39 miles north-northeast of Freetown.
That point is in a heavily wooded area about 470-ft due west of the centerline of High St ... near where the pavement ends just south of the pond ... and about 0.8 miles due west of the river-bank, in West Columbia (Mason County), W.Virginia.
Philadelphia in Pennsylvania lies at approximately 39 degrees north and 75 degrees west.
The capital city located at approximately 39 degrees north and 122 degrees west is Sacramento, the capital of California in the United States.
Washington, DC
39 N 95 W is Sherman, Kansas, USA.The nearest city is Kansas City.
39 N 95 W is Sherman, Kansas, USA.The nearest city is Kansas City.
The city located at 40 degrees 25 minutes north latitude and 5 degrees 39 minutes west longitude is Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal.
The City of Cincinnati.
That's Linwood, Kansas, USA.