The coordinates of 10S, 142E are in the Gulf of Carpenteria northwest of Badu Island, Queensland, Australia and south of Papua New Guinea. There are no nearby cities.
The nearest city worthy of the name would be Port Moresby, PNG at 9.5S, 147E, or Darwin, Australia at 12.5S, 130E.
The city at 10 degrees south latitude and 142 degrees east longitude is Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea.
The city at 19 degrees south latitude and 146 degrees east longitude is Nadi, located in Fiji.
The city located at 19 degrees south latitude and 175 degrees west longitude is Nuku’alofa, the capital of Tonga in the South Pacific.
The city at 31 degrees south latitude and 64 degrees west longitude is Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.
The city located at 30 degrees south latitude and approximately 153 degrees east longitude is Sydney, Australia.
The city with a latitude of 32 degrees south and a longitude of 19 degrees east is Cape Town, South Africa.
The city at 19 degrees south latitude and 146 degrees east longitude is Nadi, located in Fiji.
The city located at 19 degrees south latitude and 175 degrees west longitude is Nuku’alofa, the capital of Tonga in the South Pacific.
The city located at 6 degrees south latitude and 106 degrees west longitude is Lima, the capital of Peru.
The city at 31 degrees south latitude and 64 degrees west longitude is Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.
The city located at 30 degrees south latitude and approximately 153 degrees east longitude is Sydney, Australia.
The city with a latitude of 32 degrees south and a longitude of 19 degrees east is Cape Town, South Africa.
The city located at 15 degrees latitude and 129 degrees longitude is Manila, the capital city of the Philippines.
the city of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.