No part of the United States is located at 47 degrees east longitude.
The coordinates 29 degrees latitude and 98 degrees longitude point to the city of Houston, Texas in the United States.
The thirteen colonies are located in what is now the eastern United States. The latitude and longitude of this area ranges from approximately 32 to 45 degrees latitude and -71 to -80 degrees longitude.
The coordinates 35 degrees north latitude and 78 degrees west longitude point to Raleigh, North Carolina, in the United States.
Some cities with a longitude of 72 degrees include New York City in the United States, Kolkata in India, and Dhaka in Bangladesh.
No part of the United States is located at 47 degrees east longitude.
No major city is located at exactly 60 degrees N latitude and 5 degrees longitude. This location is out in the ocean, between Iceland and the United Kingdom.
The coordinates 29 degrees latitude and 98 degrees longitude point to the city of Houston, Texas in the United States.
This is in the Saudi Arabian desert.
The thirteen colonies are located in what is now the eastern United States. The latitude and longitude of this area ranges from approximately 32 to 45 degrees latitude and -71 to -80 degrees longitude.
The coordinates 35 degrees north latitude and 78 degrees west longitude point to Raleigh, North Carolina, in the United States.
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, United States
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, United States
Some cities with a longitude of 72 degrees include New York City in the United States, Kolkata in India, and Dhaka in Bangladesh.
The United States covers the longitude range of -66 degrees at the coast of Maine to -160 degrees at the Hawaiian islands. Territory of Alaska even crosses the international date line. These coordinate are within the border of the continental United States. Specially, 38 degrees North Latitude and 87 degrees West Longitude is in Newtonville, Indiana.
Some of the countries that have land at 135 degrees west longitude include the United States (Alaska), Canada, and Russia. These countries might have territories or regions that stretch to or are located near this line of longitude.
Maine is located at approximately 45.3 degrees latitude and -69.4 degrees longitude in the northeastern region of the United States.