The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
Tokyo, Japan is located at about 36 north, 140 east. Actually, there is a smaller city, Mitsukaido, Japan, which is closer, but Tokyo is the largest nearby city.Note: The question is in error. The correct question is What city has latitude 36 north and longitude 140 east? This is because latitude goes north and south, while longitude goes east and west.
The city located at 35 degrees north latitude and 136 degrees east longitude is Tokyo, Japan.
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
latitude 0 north longitude 80 west
latitude 0 north longitude 80 west
The city located at 9 degrees north latitude and 39 degrees east longitude is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
Cremona, Italy
60 degrees north latitude and 110 degrees east longitude is a sparsely populated part of Siberia. The nearest city is Ust-Ilimsk.