A set of latitude/longitude numbers defines a single point on Earth, not two or three
or fifty points. Just one. Nobody else on Earth, and no other place on Earth, has the
same latitude and longitude as the place where you're sitting right now. A set of
latitude/longitude numbers can't be shared.
Liverpool, Hamburg, Groningen, Szczecin, Minsk, and Edmonton (Alberta) are all close to
the latitude of Dublin, but have different longitudes.
Dundalk, Belfast, Seville, Rabat, and Sassandra (Ivory Coast) are all close to the longitude
of Dublin, but have different latitudes.
No other place on Earth has both the same latitude and the same longitude as Dublin.
(Many other houses can be located on the same street as yours, but not at the same number.
Many other houses can have the same number as yours, but not on the same street.
No other house can share both the same street name and the same number as yours.)
Sadly, there aren't any at all. The only part of the US at that latitude is a small area at the southern end of Alaska's 'panhandle' ... a place of wetlands and barrier islands, but no cities. The towns of Metlakatla, Hydaburg, and Ketchikan are within 9 to 24 miles north of it.
When you give a latitude and a longitude, you've narrowed it down to one point
on Earth ... no other place can have the same latitude and longitude.
But if you only use one of those numbers, then many places have the same latitude,
and many places have the same longitude.
No place in North America has the same longitude as Ireland, because longitude
measures locations in the east/west direction, and North America is far west of
But latitude measures the north/south direction, so many places in North America
have the same latitude as places in Ireland.
-- The southern end of Alaska, McLeod Lake in British Columbia, Wembley in Alberta,
Emmeline Lake in Saskatchewan, and Oxford House in Manitoba, all have roughly the
same latitude as Londonderry.
-- Edmonton in Alberta, Canwood in Saskatchewan, and Churchill Falls in Newfoundland,
and Goose Bay in Labrador, have roughly the same latitude as Galway and Dublin.
-- Klemtu in British Columbia, Ponoka in Alberta, and Deer Lake in Ontario, have
roughly the same latitude as Shannon and Limerick.
-- Enterprise in BC, Cinsort and Monitor in Alta., Leroy and Wadena in Sask.,
Camperville and Anama Bay in Manitoba, Fort Albany in Ont., and Pitts Harbor in
Labrador have roughly the same latitude as Kil;larney and Cork.
-- On my map, the southernmost point in Ireland appears to be the tip of Cape
Clear Island south of Ballyieragh, at 51.42 degrees north latitude. That's roughly
the same latitude as Goose Bay and Margaret Bay in BC, Dog Pound and Munson
in Alberta, Pinkham and Theodore in Saskatchewan, Steep Rock and Fisher Bay in
Manitoba, Moosonee in Ontario, Fort Rupert and Riviere St Paul in Quebec, and
Green Island Cove and St. Anthony in Labrador.
Ireland occupies the range of latitude from about 51.42° all the way to 55.38° North.
The only part of the US within that latitude range is the southern part of Alaska ...
an area of mostly islands and wetlands that's about 51 miles by 144 miles.
That area includes not only the centers and suburbs of Hydaburg and Metlakatla, but is also
home to Alaska's 'First City', the Salmon Capital of the World and Rain Capital of Alaska ...
Ketchikan, population 8,050 (in 2010).
None. Ireland is further north than the lower 48 and Hawaii, and further south than Alaska.
Not all cities in the US have a north latitude and west longitude. The latitude and longitude of a location are specific coordinates that pinpoint a place on the Earth's surface. Cities can have different combinations of latitude and longitude depending on their location relative to the equator and prime meridian.
It can be easy to use latitude and longitude to find cities on a map if you are familiar with geographic coordinates. However, if you are not accustomed to using latitude and longitude, it may take some time to get used to. Practice and familiarity with the coordinates will make it easier over time.
A country that lies at 47° north latitude and 4° east longitude is France. It is located in Western Europe and includes cities such as Paris, Lyon, and Marseille.
35 N 89 W is near Memphis, USA.
Latitude 54 and longitude -2 places you in the United Kingdom, specifically in the northern part of England. This location would be situated near the cities of Newcastle upon Tyne and Edinburgh.
The city of Dublin is in Ireland. The other three cities are in England.
Dublin and Cork are the names of cities and counties in Ireland.
The capital city that is at the same latitude as Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada is Dublin, the capital of Ireland. Both cities are located at approximately 53° North latitude. This means that they share a similar position in terms of their distance from the equator, despite being on different continents.
The county of Dublin and the city of Dublin are on the east coast of Ireland.
Dublin, Cork, Belfast.
Dublin, which is Ireland's largest city and its capital city.
Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.Dublin and Cork.
Dublin, Limerick, Waterford,
Dublin, Ireland
Galway is a county and a city on the west coast of Ireland. Dublin is a county and a city on the east coast of Ireland. So Galway is not in Dublin. The two cities are about 130 miles or 207 kilometres apart. The counties that the cities are in, are a bit closer. See the maps below.
Dublin, Cork, Belfast and Limerick.