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Oxidation and reduction REDOX for short. In other words the metal will rust which is oxidation.

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1mo ago

The chair will likely undergo oxidation, where the oxygen in the air reacts with the chair's material (such as wood or metal) causing it to rust, corrode, or degrade over time. The rainwater can also contribute to the deterioration by promoting these chemical reactions.

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Q: What chemical change is likely to occur when a chair is left outside in the air and rain?
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What chemical change can happen to a metal chair if it left outside in the air and rain?

The metal will rust.

What chemical change is likely to occur when a metal chair is left outside in the air and rain?

The metal chair is likely to undergo corrosion, where the metal will react with oxygen and water from the air and rain, leading to the formation of rust (iron oxide) on its surface. This process weakens the metal structure over time.

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The rusting of a metal chair is a chemical change. The iron is undergoing oxidation as it combines with oxygen to form iron oxide.

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Building a chair from wood involves a physical change because the wood is being reshaped and assembled, but it does not undergo a chemical transformation. The chemical composition of the wood remains the same throughout the building process.

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One way to make a chemical change to a wooden chair is to apply a wood stain or finish that chemically reacts with the wood to create a different color or texture.

What chemical change is likly to occur when a metal chair is left outside in the rain and air?

The metal chair may undergo a process called oxidation, where the metal reacts with oxygen in the air and water to form a metal oxide. This can lead to the formation of rust on the surface of the chair.

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A chair was handed to her.If you want to say who handed her the chair (agent) then add by + noun at the end of the sentence.A chair was handed to her by him.

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You likely heard it wrong. A folding camping chair would be like any other folding chair, but designed to stand up to camping conditions. A folding campaign chair likely would not exist because one rarely has idle time when on campaign.

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If it fits your size and comfort satisfaction then it is most likely a great chair for you.