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Reflection of light from the surface of an object allows your eye to see that object.

The eye lens focuses light on the retina by refraction.

The eye detects light through absorption via the retina.

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Reflection is the characteristic of light energy that allows people to see objects. When light rays strike an object, they can bounce off it and travel to our eyes, enabling us to see the object through this reflection process. Absorption and refraction are also properties of light but do not directly result in the ability to see objects.

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Q: What characteristic of light energy causes people to see objects absorption refraction or reflection?
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Caused by light refraction in the atmosphere?

A mirage is an optical illusion caused by the bending of light rays as they pass through air layers of different temperatures, which creates distorted or inverted images of distant objects. This bending of light, known as refraction, can make objects appear closer, taller, or even as if they are floating in the air.

2 similarities between reflection and refraction?

Refraction is when light slightly bends because glass or water is in the way. This makes the object look bent or crooked. For example when you put a straw in a glass of water, the straw looks as if it were bent, but it really isn't. Reflection is when the light particles of an object bounce off of another object showing the same image. You can't see your reflection on all objects though.

What is the difference between light reflection and light refraction?

Light reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, such as a mirror, without changing direction. Light refraction occurs when light passes through a transparent medium and changes speed, causing it to bend. Reflection results in an image being produced, while refraction can cause objects to appear distorted or shifted.

Sonar machines rely on which property of sound waves?

Sonar machines rely on the property of sound waves that allows them to bounce off objects and return to the source, a phenomenon known as echo. By calculating the time it takes for the sound wave to bounce back, sonar machines can determine the distance and location of objects underwater.

How do emission and absorption spectrums tell us about the composition of objects in our universe?

Each chemical element has a specific emission or absorption spectrum.

Related questions

What characteristic of light to see objects?


What processes produce the different colors you see in opaque objects?

absorption and reflection of different wavelengths of light

What are refractive and reflective?

refraction is the bending of light rays when they pass through an object reflection is the light energy that bounces off objects

Which is more important refraction or reflection?

Both refraction and reflection are important phenomena in optics. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another, affecting how we see objects through lenses and in different mediums. Reflection is the bouncing back of light off a surface, allowing us to see objects and creating images in mirrors. Both play a crucial role in our everyday interactions with light.

How does reflection and absorption play a role in your ability to see?

Reflection occurs when light bounces off an object and into your eyes, allowing you to see the object. Absorption happens when light is absorbed by an object, preventing it from reaching your eyes. Both processes are important for how we perceive and see objects in the environment.

What does refraction and reflection have to do with mirages?

Mirages occur due to the refraction of light as it passes through air layers of different temperatures, creating optical illusions of water or objects that are not actually there. Reflection may also play a role in enhancing the mirage effect by causing the light to bounce off surfaces like roads or sand, further distorting the appearance of the mirage.

Objects that transmit light easily are?

Some objects that transmit light easily are glass, water, and air. These materials allow light to pass through them with minimal absorption or reflection.

Caused by light refraction in the atmosphere?

A mirage is an optical illusion caused by the bending of light rays as they pass through air layers of different temperatures, which creates distorted or inverted images of distant objects. This bending of light, known as refraction, can make objects appear closer, taller, or even as if they are floating in the air.

2 similarities between reflection and refraction?

Refraction is when light slightly bends because glass or water is in the way. This makes the object look bent or crooked. For example when you put a straw in a glass of water, the straw looks as if it were bent, but it really isn't. Reflection is when the light particles of an object bounce off of another object showing the same image. You can't see your reflection on all objects though.

Why does black not reflect light?

Black objects do not reflect light because they absorb most of the light that strikes them, rather than reflecting it back. The absorption of light by black objects is a result of their molecular structure, which allows them to retain more light energy than they release. This lack of reflection gives black objects their characteristic dark appearance.

Why cant you see your reflection in all objects that replect light?

You cannot see your reflection in all objects that reflect light because of diffuse reflection.

Does refraction take place in opaque objects?

Refraction is the phenomenon which allows light to pass from one medium into the other. But opaque object will not allow light to pass through. So refraction becomes impossible in case of opaque objects.