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Mars and Europa both have evidence of liquid water, which is essential for life as we know it. Water is a critical factor in supporting life because it provides a medium for chemical reactions necessary for living organisms. This similarity to Earth makes them potential candidates to support extraterrestrial life.

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Q: What characteristic do mars and Europa share with earth that makes them candidates to support extraterrestrial life?
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What moon of Jupiter possibly has water under its surface?

Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, is believed to have a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust. This ocean is thought to contain more water than all of Earth's oceans combined, making Europa a strong candidate in the search for extraterrestrial life.

How many of Jupiter's moons can have life on them and why?

It is currently unknown if any of Jupiter's moons can support life. However, Europa and Ganymede, with their subsurface oceans, are considered potential candidates due to the presence of liquid water. Future exploration missions aim to further investigate the possibility of life on these moons.

What is the name of the moon of Jupiter that possibly contains a liquid ocean under its surface?

The moon of Jupiter that possibly contains a liquid ocean under its surface is Europa. It is one of the most likely places in our solar system to potentially harbor extraterrestrial life due to its subsurface ocean and potentially habitable conditions.

How much oxygen does europa have?

Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has a tenuous atmosphere composed mainly of oxygen. It is estimated to have trace amounts of oxygen, but it is not enough to support human life. The majority of oxygen on Europa is likely bound up in water ice.

Do any creatures live on the planets?

As of current knowledge, there is no evidence of extraterrestrial creatures living on other planets in our solar system. Scientists continue to search for signs of microbial life on Mars and potential habitable conditions on planets like Enceladus and Europa.

Related questions

What characteristic do mars and europa share with earth that make them candidates to support extraterestrial life?

Both Mars and Europa have evidence of liquid water, which is essential for life as we know it. Additionally, they both have the potential for organic molecules to exist, providing a possible building block for life. These similarities with Earth make them viable candidates to support extraterrestrial life.

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What moon of Jupiter possibly has water under its surface?

Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, is believed to have a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust. This ocean is thought to contain more water than all of Earth's oceans combined, making Europa a strong candidate in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Which moon of Jupiter is covered in ice?

Europa is the moon of Jupiter known for being covered in a thick layer of ice. This ice is believed to cover a vast, subsurface ocean that has sparked scientific interest in the search for potential extraterrestrial life.

Where is there a moon that could possibly support life?


Can europa support life?

depend on if Europa have the appropriate environment necessary to create strings of molecules, because you need molecules to create life.

What does Europa one of Jupiter's moons have that scientist think could support life?


Europa is a moon which might support life Which vital substance does it have?

Possibly liquid water

Can Jupiter support some form of life?

No, because it's gaseous. But the moon Europa might be able to support life on the seafloor.

Europa is a remarkable moon because it?

is believed to have a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust, making it a strong candidate for the existence of extraterrestrial life. It exhibits a complex system of surface features, including cracks, ridges, and icy plains, indicating geologic activity. Europa's potential habitability has sparked scientific interest and discussions about future missions to explore this intriguing moon further.

What other places in the solar system appear likely to support life besides mars?


Why mars europa and titan are of interest to scientists searching for extraterrestrial life?

Because these moons and planet display signs of once, or still, having water on or in them. If liquid water is present, the temperatures in the area tend to be favorable to life.