Embryonic cells make up a plant
You have three layers in the heart. Outer layer is pericardium, middle layer is myocardium and inner layer is endocardium. Myocardium is composed mainly of cardiac muscles, connective tissue and blood vessels.
there are penitential cells in the liver, -narb
Cells of the same kind make a tissue.
The myocardium is the middle layer of the heart muscle responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. It contains specialized cells that contract to create the force needed for blood circulation. The main purpose of the myocardium is to ensure efficient functioning of the heart as a pump.
There are three types of tissue that make up the heart which are collectively known as cardiac tissue. These three tissues are myocardium, endocardiu, and pericardium.
The muscular portion of the cardiac wall is called the myocardium. It is responsible for contracting and pumping blood throughout the body. The myocardium is made up of cardiac muscle cells that are interconnected to allow for coordinated contraction of the heart.
The thick muscle layer of the heart is the myocardium. It is the middle layer of the heart and produces pressure.
Most of the middle layer in the heart wall is composed of cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle cells are also known as cardiomyocytes.
The heart is made up of heart muscle known as Cardiac muscle, or myocardium This contracts almost 70 times a minute and pumps about 5 liters of blood each minute.
cardiac muscle
Cardiac Muscle or myocardium are the muscle that make up the heart that contract and relax to pump blood.
Embryonic cells make up a plant
You have three layers in the heart. Outer layer is pericardium, middle layer is myocardium and inner layer is endocardium. Myocardium is composed mainly of cardiac muscles, connective tissue and blood vessels.
there are penitential cells in the liver, -narb