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Only somatic/autosomal cells. Sex cells or cells of the germ line undergo meiosis.

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4mo ago

Somatic cells, which are any cell in the body other than germ cells (sperm and egg cells), carry out mitosis. Mitosis is the process by which somatic cells divide to produce two identical daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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Q: What cells carry out mitosis?
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Which cells are known NOT to do mitosis?

gametic (sperm or egg) cells do not carry out mitosis, instead they carry out meiosis. Mitosis gives a diploid number of chromosomes to each cell, meiosis gives a haploid number.

The period in which cells carry out non-mitosis activities?


Why do cells carry out mitosis?

Cells under go mitosis to replace lost cells or increase the mass of an area of tissue. (growth) Mitosis is simply the division of cells, which has a number of steps including anaphase, telophase and metaphase.

What type of Cell carries out mitosis and meiosis?

Somatic cells carry out mitosis, while germ cells carry out meiosis. Somatic cells are body cells that undergo division for growth and repair, while germ cells are sex cells that undergo division to produce gametes for sexual reproduction.

How does a cell know when to carry out mitosis and when not to carry out mitosis?

Cells regulate the cell cycle through checkpoints that monitor cell conditions. Factors such as DNA damage, cell size, and growth signals determine whether a cell should proceed with mitosis or pause the cell cycle to repair damage. If conditions are not favorable, the cell will not enter mitosis.

What cells uses mitosis?

Somatic cells or body cells perform mitosis.

Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about mitosis?

Mitosis occurs in somatic cells Mitosis occurs in gametes Mitosis results in two daughter cells Mitosis results in genetically identical daughter cells True statements: Mitosis occurs in somatic cells Mitosis results in two daughter cells Mitosis results in genetically identical daughter cells

What types of cells does mitosis occurs?

Mitosis occurs in somatic cells. The main purpose of mitosis is to create two identical cells from one single cell.

What is the number of cells resulting from mitosis?

2 diploid cells

In what cells does mitosis occur?

All cells undergo mitosis othe than gametic cells (these are reproductive cells, ie sperm cells and ovums). Mitosis is the cells way of dividing to produce two identical daughter cells, which is necessary for all 'normal' cells of the body. The reproductive cells need to carry non identical information though otherwise you would end up with children who were all exactly alike

How do red blood cells undergo mitosis if when they are mature they do not contain a nucleus?

Red blood cells do not undergo mitosis because they lose their nucleus during maturation, so they cannot divide or replicate. Their main function is to carry oxygen, and the absence of a nucleus allows for more space to carry hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein. Red blood cell production occurs in the bone marrow from stem cells that do undergo mitosis.

What cells in your body does not go through mitosis?

Most cells do not go through mitosis and are what you call to be in G0 Phase. This is when the cell ONLY does its normal functions and do not try to replicate itself (unless big damage is done to an organ). These cells will go to G1 phase when it is necessary to do cell division.