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The cell organelle that is most affected by turgor pressure is the central vacuole. Turgor pressure helps maintain the rigidity of plant cells by pushing the plasma membrane against the cell wall, which is facilitated by the water-filled central vacuole. Decreased turgor pressure due to water loss can cause wilting in plants.

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Q: What cell organelle is most affected by turgor pressure?
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What organelle in the plant cell is known as osmosis?

The vacuole is the organelle in a plant cell that is involved in osmosis. It helps maintain turgor pressure in the cell by regulating the movement of water molecules in and out of the cell through osmosis.

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turgor pressure, also turgidity, is the main pressure exerted by cell contents against the cell walls in plant cells

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A plant cell has a cell wall that pushes back against water pressure in the cell when the cell is in it's preferred condition of hypotonicity. This is turgor pressure.

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The largest organelle in plants is the central vacuole. It occupies a large portion of the plant cell's volume and is responsible for storing nutrients, regulating turgor pressure, and maintaining cell structure.

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Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted on the inside of cell walls when water enters the cell through osmosis. This pressure helps maintain the structural integrity and shape of the cell. If the cell becomes too turgid, it can lead to issues like wilting in plants.

The pressure inside a plant cell caused by water pushing against the cell wall?

This is called turgor pressure.

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The pressure exerted against the cell membrane and cell wall is known as turgor pressure. It is generated by the osmotic flow of water into the cell, causing the cell to become rigid and maintain its shape.

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Turgor pressure

Largest cell organelle in Plant cell?

The largest organelle in a plant cell is usually the central vacuole. It is a membrane-bound organelle that stores water, nutrients, and waste products. The central vacuole also helps maintain turgor pressure in the cell, providing structural support to the plant.

What causes a plant cell to wilt when it is not full?

When a plant cell is not full, it wilts due to the loss of turgor pressure. Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted on the cell wall by the fluid inside the cell. Without enough water to maintain this pressure, the cell loses its rigidity and wilts.

What is the largest oranelle in plant cells?

The largest organelle in plant cells is the central vacuole. It is responsible for storing water, nutrients, and waste products, and helping to maintain turgor pressure within the cell.

What the largest organelle in plant cells containing the cell sap?

The largest organelle in plant cells containing the cell sap is the central vacuole. This organelle plays a key role in storing nutrients, regulating turgor pressure, and maintaining cell structure in plant cells.