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Q: What causes the planets in the solar system move along their path?
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What causes the planets in are solar system to orbit the sun?


What force causes planets to orbit the sun in your solar system?

Gravity is the force that causes planets to orbit the Sun in our solar system. The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps the planets in their orbits as they travel around the central star.

How are the planets different from the solar system?

The planets and their moons are part of the solar system, along with the Sun, the asteroids, the comets, the Trans-Neptunian objects and the Oort cloud.

What causes the objects in the solar system to stay?

The gravity of all the planets and the alignment of them.

9P is the SS?

9 P in the S S = 9 Planets in the Solar System

Your solar system is found between the planets?

The solar system is found between the orbits of two planets, with the innermost known planet being Mercury and the outermost known planet being Neptune. The solar system also consists of other celestial bodies such as dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.

How many planets do we have in the solar system?

There are nine planets in the solar system

Extra solar planets are planets that?

Extra solar planets are planets that is outside of our solar system.

Are there anymore planets outside the solar system?

There are thousands and thousands of other planets outside of our solar system, along with many other galaxies, universes, and planetoids, and possibly other forms of life.

How money planets are there in your solar system?

There are eight planets in our solar system that have moons: Mercury and Venus do not have moons, but all the other planets do.

How many rocky planets are in our solar system?

There are 5 rocky planets in our solar system if you count Pluto. If not, there are 4 rocky planets in the solar system.

What is a solar syste m?

A solar system is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies that orbit a central star, in our case the Sun. Our own solar system consists of eight planets, including Earth, as well as dwarf planets like Pluto and numerous smaller objects.