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Volcanoes occur in subduction zones, because when a subduction happens, the plate turns into liquid rock. There isn't enough room in under ground for all that liquid rock, so it erupts. After it erupts, it cools, and after a few times, it becomes a cone shape, forming a volcano.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

Mountains and volcanoes form around subduction zones when one tectonic plate slides beneath another, creating intense pressure and heat that lead to volcanic activity and the uplift of land, forming mountains. The melting of the subducted plate and surrounding mantle material also contributes to volcanic eruptions and the formation of mountain ranges like the Andes in South America.

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12y ago

errrm when a plate is thrown up by convection current the wegiht contradics it burying it in the magma

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13y ago

Convergent plates boundaries.

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Q: What causes the formation of mountains and volcanoes around subduction zones?
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What are 5 different places that volcanoes form?

Volcanoes form above plumes or "hot spots." The plate moves over this location, making a chain of volcanoes like Hawaii. Volcanoes also form around subduction zones. One plate moves under another, causing the the edges of the plate to melt making volcanoes, islands, and mountains. Volcanoes can also lie over magma chambers that have lava that leaked from the lithosphere into the crust.

Where do you find volcanoes other than Hawaii?

Volcanoes can be found in many places around the world, including Iceland, Japan, Chile, Indonesia, and Italy. These countries have active volcanoes due to their location along tectonic plate boundaries.

Why do mountains sometimes build up around a volcano?

Mountains can build up around a volcano due to layers of solidified lava and volcanic ash that accumulate over time as the volcano erupts repeatedly. This buildup of volcanic material can create a cone-shaped mountain around the volcanic vent. Additionally, the process of magma rising from the Earth's mantle can cause the ground surface to uplift, further contributing to the formation of mountains around the volcano.

What is land rising high above the land around it called?

Land rising high above the land around it is called a mountain.

When are cone shaped volcanoes created?

Cone-shaped volcanoes are created when eruptions release thick lava that solidifies quickly, building up in layers around the vent. These types of volcanoes are typically found at subduction zones where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. Over time, repeated eruptions build up the characteristic cone shape.

Related questions

Where is andesitic magma found?

Andesitic magma is commonly found in subduction zones where oceanic crust is being forced beneath continental crust. These environments are typically associated with volcanic arcs and stratovolcanoes. Examples of where andesitic magma is found include the Andes Mountains in South America and the Cascades in the western United States.

Why is the ring of fire a prime location for active volcanoes?

The Ring of Fire is the result of the Pacific Plate and several smaller Oceanic plate producing many subduction zones around the rim of the Pacific Ocean. Subduction Zones are the primary producers of volcanoes on land.

What are 5 different places that volcanoes form?

Volcanoes form above plumes or "hot spots." The plate moves over this location, making a chain of volcanoes like Hawaii. Volcanoes also form around subduction zones. One plate moves under another, causing the the edges of the plate to melt making volcanoes, islands, and mountains. Volcanoes can also lie over magma chambers that have lava that leaked from the lithosphere into the crust.

What are 3 kind of volcanoes?

There are 3 kinds of volcanoes which are found around the world. They are shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and composite volcanoes. Many of the most beautiful mountains in the world are composite volcanoes.

Where do you find volcanoes other than Hawaii?

Volcanoes can be found in many places around the world, including Iceland, Japan, Chile, Indonesia, and Italy. These countries have active volcanoes due to their location along tectonic plate boundaries.

Volcanos form a ring of fire around the plate boundaries in the pacific ocean how might this provide evidence that the plates are moving?

Volcanoes are ofrenda found in subduction

Why do mountains sometimes build up around a volcano?

Mountains can build up around a volcano due to layers of solidified lava and volcanic ash that accumulate over time as the volcano erupts repeatedly. This buildup of volcanic material can create a cone-shaped mountain around the volcanic vent. Additionally, the process of magma rising from the Earth's mantle can cause the ground surface to uplift, further contributing to the formation of mountains around the volcano.

What is land rising high above the land around it called?

Land rising high above the land around it is called a mountain.

When are cone shaped volcanoes created?

Cone-shaped volcanoes are created when eruptions release thick lava that solidifies quickly, building up in layers around the vent. These types of volcanoes are typically found at subduction zones where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. Over time, repeated eruptions build up the characteristic cone shape.

What causes the formation of the Ring of Fire?

Volcanoes around the Ring of Fire occur mainly where moving plates collide

What happens at colliding boundaries?

these boundaries are formed when two plates collide. When the two plate bump one plate is absorbed in the mantle of the other. Heat and pressure when these plates collide causes volcanoes and earthquakes.

Where are volcanic mountains found?

Volcanic mountains are found at tectonic plate boundaries, where one plate is either subducted beneath another or where plates are moving apart. They are also commonly found along seafloor spreading centers or hotspots, where magma rises towards the surface, leading to volcanic activity and the formation of mountains.