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Tectonic plates are pulled apart by the process of seafloor spreading, where magma rises from the mantle to create new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges. This creates a divergent boundary where plates move away from each other. The driving force behind this movement is the upwelling of magma and the force of gravity pulling denser oceanic crust down and away from mid-ocean ridges.

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Q: What causes tectonic plate to be pulled apart?
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What kind of tectonic plate is mt.erebus?

Mount Erebus is located on the boundary of the Antarctic Plate and the Pacific Plate. It is part of the South Sandwich Islands tectonic plate system.

What fault causes rocks to become twisted and strained?

A Transform fault where one tectonic plate slides past another tectonic plate results with rocks being pulled apart. Slippage results when the rock of one plate bends the rock of another, causing elastic rebounds and the release of energy as surface waves.

What is the name of the process that breaks continents apart?

The process that breaks continents apart is known as continental rifting. This occurs when tectonic forces cause the lithosphere to stretch and thin, resulting in the creation of a rift valley and eventually leading to the separation of landmasses.

Tectonic plates interact at what?

Tectonic plates interact at plate boundariesThey move apart at divergent boundaries

What is the process that pulls apart continents?

Plate tectonics. Sub layers called tectonic plates lie underneath continents move, shift, and grind against or away from each other. The actual process of pulling apart is called diverging. The super-continent Pangaea is an example of a continent that was pulled apart. First it was pulled apart into two continents that are called Laurasia and Gondwana and then was pulled farther apart into the world that we see today.

Why did the continents pulled apart?

The continents pulled apart due to the process of plate tectonics. The movement of the Earth's tectonic plates caused the continents to drift slowly over millions of years, creating gaps and rifts between them as they moved away from each other. This process is known as continental drift.

What plate tectonic is chaiten volcano on?

It erupted because two tectonic plates met which causes an eruption !!!

What kind of plate tectonic causes earthquakes?

Transform boundary

What process in Earth's interior causes subduction and sea-floormspreading?

Convective flows of molten rock beneath the Earth's crust causes tectonic plates to spread apart in one area and to sink or be subducted beneath another plate at the opposite edge of the plate.

A rift valley is evidence of which kind of plate boundary?

A rift valley is evidence of a divergent plate boundary, where tectonic plates are moving away from each other. This movement creates a gap that can lead to the formation of a rift valley as the lithosphere is pulled apart.

Are earthquakes associated with plate boundaries?

Yes, earthquakes are commonly associated with plate boundaries where tectonic plates interact. The movement of these plates, whether colliding, sliding past each other, or moving apart, can generate seismic activity that causes earthquakes.

Which plate boundary causes rifting?

A divergent plate boundary causes rifting. At divergent boundaries, tectonic plates move away from each other, leading to the formation of rift valleys on the Earth's surface as the lithosphere is stretched and pulled apart. Examples of divergent boundaries include the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East African Rift.