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The rotation of the Earth will make stars appear to move in the perception of a viewer. The reality, of course, is they're much to far away to actually move visibly in a single night - their position can vary based on seasons, but relative to one another, there won't be a visible movement. The planets, of course, *do* move, and the observable motion is much greater than that of stars. The word itself comes from "wanderer", in Greek, due to the fact they did move so much in relation to the background, which seemed relatively fixed to observers of the era.

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Q: What causes stars to move apparently in one night?
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It cause stars to move apparently in one night?

The rotation of the Earth makes the stars appear to move in a circle, as viewed from the observer's position. The stars are always there, it is just that we can't see them during daylight.

Do stars move in circles during the night?

stars don't move, the earth does.

Why the stars appear to move during the night?

stars seem to move because we are moving right now as we speak i guess you just see them move more at night

Do you see the same stars when you look out at night?

No, the stars we see in the night sky can vary depending on our location, time of year, and the time of night. The rotation of the Earth causes the stars to appear to move across the sky, so different stars become visible at different times.

What causes the stars and other objects to move across the sky each night?

the stars "move" because of the way earth spins so then the constellations and stars look like they're moving but it realy is the earth that moves. In other ways the stars stay ware they are while the earth is spinning

What makes the stars move at night?

they dont

Why do stars apparently move across the sky and form figure or patterns?

Watch dragon heart

Why do stares appear to move across the sky during night?

cos some are shooting stars and comets! and stars move around

What moves that causes the stars to rise and set?

The stars really don't move. The Earth does all the movement.

Why do the stars appear to move slowly westward at night?

The stars appear to move slowly westward at night due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. As the Earth spins from west to east, it makes the stars appear to move from east to west in the night sky. This is known as the apparent motion of the stars.

Why do the stars appear to move around the night sky?

the earths rotation

How do Earth's rotation and revolution affect the way we see stars?

Earth's rotation causes the stars to appear to move across the sky from east to west each night. Earth's revolution around the Sun changes our perspective of the stars over the course of the year, causing different constellations to be visible at different times. This movement gives us the changing night sky we observe throughout the year.