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Reproductive recombination and genetic mutation.

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Green Tremblay

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2y ago
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4mo ago

Phenotypic variation is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors, such as DNA mutations and gene expression, contribute to differences in physical characteristics between individuals. Environmental factors, such as diet, stress, and exposure to toxins, can also influence how genes are expressed and contribute to phenotypic variation.

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13y ago

Human genetic variation is the genetic diversity of humans and represents the total amount of genetic characteristics observed within the human species. Genetic differences are observed between humans at both the individual and the population level. There may be multiple variants of any given gene in the human population (alleles), leading to polymorphism. Many genes are not polymorphic, meaning that only a single allele is present in the population: that allele is then said to be fixed.[1]

No two humans are genetically identical. Even monozygotic twins, who develop from one zygote, have infrequent genetic differences due to mutations occurring during development and gene copy number variation has been observed.[2] Differences between individuals, even closely related individuals, are the key to techniques such as genetic fingerprinting. Alleles occur at different frequencies in different human populations, with populations that are more geographically and ancestrally remote tending to differ more.

Causes of differences between individuals include the exchange of genes during meiosis and various mutational events. There are at least two reasons why genetic variation exists between populations. Natural selection may confer an adaptive advantage to individuals in a specific environment if an allele provides a competitive advantage. Alleles under selection are likely to occur only in those geographic regions where they confer an advantage. The second main cause of genetic variation is due to the high degree of neutrality of most mutations. Most mutations do not appear to have any selective effect one way or the other on the organism. The main cause is genetic drift, this is the effect of random changes in the gene pool. In humans, founder effect and past small population size (increasing the likelihood of genetic drift) may have had an important influence in neutral differences between populations.

The theory that humans recently migrated out of Africa is sometimes given as an example of this. It has been theorized that the population which migrated out of Africa only represented a small fraction of the genetic variation in Africa, and that this is a contributing cause of the observed lower levels of diversity in all indigenous humans outside of Africa. Generally, more recent neutral polymorphisms caused by mutation are likely to be relatively geographically localized and rare, while older polymorphisms are more likely to be shared by a wider range of human groups. The large majority of observed genetic variation occurs within a population in any geographic region and not between populations in different regions, although it is still usually possible to accurately identify the geographic origins of any individual's ancestors by genetic means.

The study of human genetic variation has both evolutionary significance and medical applications. The study can help scientists understand ancient human population migrations as well as how different human groups are biologically related to one another. From a medical perspective the study of human genetic variation may be important because some disease causing alleles occur at a greater frequency in people from specific geographic regions.

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13y ago

A few factors, mainly crossing-over in meiosis, random fertilization, and random separation of sister chromosomes in meiosis. There are also mutations, though they tend to have less of an impact of phenotypes.

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13y ago

Combination of genotype and edaphic factors or environmental factors

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11y ago

genotypic variation is confusing go eat a dragon

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14y ago

Genotypic variation occurs when alleles are randomly sorted during sexual reproduction.

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14y ago

Variation in phenotype expression is caused by 3 things: Age, Environment, and Interaction with other genes in the genotype.

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14y ago


Gamete formation

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Q: What causes phenotypic variation?
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The two types of variation shown by living organisms are genetic variation, which is differences in DNA sequences among individuals, and phenotypic variation, which refers to observable traits or characteristics that vary among individuals.

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Genetic variation must exist within the population, meaning individuals have different alleles. This genetic diversity results in a wide range of phenotypes that can be observed. Environmental factors can also contribute to phenotypic variation within the population.

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What is phenotypic variation?

Phenotype variation is slight variations in a phenotype that are caused by the expression of an organism's genes or the influence of environmental factors. A species can have several different phenotypes within it.