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Earthquakes are caused by the shifting of the Earth's plates usually at transform boundaries. California is a major earthquake area in NA because of the San Andreas fault line.

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3w ago

Earthquakes are typically caused by the movement of tectonic plates along faults in the Earth's crust. In North America, areas along the Pacific Coast, such as the west coast of the United States (California, Alaska) and western Canada, are more prone to earthquake activity due to the presence of the Pacific Plate interacting with the North American Plate. Additionally, regions near the Caribbean Plate boundary in the southeast United States also experience earthquake risk.

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Q: What causes earthquakes what areas in North America are more prone to earthquake activity?
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What do you called seintist an earthquake?

A scientist who studies earthquakes is called a seismologist. They analyze seismic waves and tectonic activity to better understand the causes and effects of earthquakes. Their work helps in earthquake prediction and mitigation efforts.

Why are the majority of earthquake zones located at tectonic pate boundaries?

Earthquake zones are primarily located at tectonic plate boundaries because this is where the Earth's tectonic plates interact, leading to stress accumulation and release that causes earthquakes. The movement of plates along these boundaries creates faults where seismic activity can occur due to the build-up and release of energy.

Can earthquakes cause thunderstorms and lightning?

Earthquakes themselves do not directly cause thunderstorms and lightning. However, seismic activity can sometimes trigger small electrical discharges called "earthquake lights" that might be mistaken for lightning. Thunderstorms are typically caused by atmospheric conditions, not seismic activity.

What events causes tsunamis?

Under water earth quakes, landslides,volcanic eruptions, under water explosions and the impact of a meteorite or comet.

What do tsunami and volcanoes have to do with earthquakes?

Tsunamis can be triggered by undersea earthquakes, especially those near subduction zones where tectonic plates collide. Volcanic activity can also be linked to earthquakes when magma movement or pressure causes the surrounding rock to fracture and release seismic energy.

Related questions

What is the vibration caused when there is movement along a fault?

It causes and earthquake

What is an earthquake and a seismic activity?

A seismic activity is an earthquake... An earthquake is when the tectonic plates (under ground) clash together, which causes an earthquake. Earthquakes can be very small or huge depending on where the country is. They can kill thousands of people, knock down buildings and create huge cracks in the ground. They are measured on a Richter scale. :)

How volcanism causes earthquake?

volcanism can not cause earthquakes

What type of stress causes an earthquake?

Tectonic stress causes most earthquakes. This stress is generated as tectonic plates move and collide with each other, building up pressure that is eventually released as an earthquake. Other types of stress, such as volcanic or anthropogenic activities, can also trigger earthquakes in specific circumstances.

Why is an earthquake extreme?

Earthquakes causes a miassive display of DISTRUCTION.

What r the causes of earthquake?

Shifting of tectonic plates cause earthquakes.

What causes patterns in earthquake activity?

Patterns in earthquake activity can be caused by the movement of tectonic plates, with earthquakes occurring along plate boundaries or fault lines. Stress accumulated in the Earth's crust can also lead to patterns in earthquake activity, as this stress is released through seismic events. Additionally, human activities such as mining or reservoir-induced seismicity can also contribute to patterns in earthquake occurrence.

Sudden stress changes in the earth that causes ground shaking?


Can earthquakes cause volcano erruptions?

Earthquakes can cause volcanos to errupt by the plates moving and crashing into one other which creates an earthquake(when plates collide it causs an earthquake) so the force of the earthquake causes a volcano erruption.

What is tectonic earthquake means?

A tectonic earthquake is a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust caused by the movement of tectonic plates. These earthquakes occur at plate boundaries where plates are colliding, sliding past one another, or moving apart. The stress built up from the movement of plates is released in the form of seismic waves, causing the ground to shake.

Is the San Andreas fault an earthquake or not?

No it's a fault line that causes earthquakes sometimes.

What Weather causes an Earthquake?

Weather does not cause earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. Changes in weather, such as heavy rainfall or snowmelt, can potentially trigger landslides or affect the stability of soil, which may indirectly influence the likelihood of avalanches or mudslides, but not earthquakes.