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Lightning is very hot, about 27760 degrees Celsius. When the lightning heats the air around it , the air instantly expands, resounding with a shock wave.
The clap is an indication of how close you are to the lightning strike, a sharp bang means you are very close ( the sound will come almost immediately after the strike or at the same time), if you are farther away it will sound like a rumble as the sound waves bounce off the geographical features on its way to you ( the thunder will come several seconds later than the lightning strike )
As kids we used to count the seconds that it took for the thunder to resound after a lightning strike to tell how far away it was, one second for one mile

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9mo ago

Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of air surrounding a lightning strike. The intense heat from the lightning bolt causes the air to quickly expand and create a shockwave that we hear as thunder.

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13y ago

Because sound travels slower than light

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Q: What causes claps of thunder?
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Thunder claps.

What is mass noun of thunder?

Yes, the noun thunder is a mass noun. Multiples of thunder are expressed as the object of a preposition (a lot of thunder, claps of thunder, rolls of thunder, etc.), or using an adjective (loud thunder, rumbling thunder, deafening thunder, etc.)

Can you calculate storm distance between thunder claps?

If you count the number of seconds from when you see the flash of lightening to when you hear the thunder, you will have a rough estimate as how far the storm is.

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lighting comes before thunder because it is the heat of lighting that causes thunder

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120 claps

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The suffix word of "claps" is "clapped."

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The Thunderstorm loud claps of thunder lights are rushing all about a storm is coming

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the large obstacles and tall buildings etc causes the reverberation of thunder as it reflects sound and also causes multiple reverberation.

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condensation creates thunder clouds.

When did Constantin Constantinescu-Claps die?

Constantin Constantinescu-Claps died in 1961.

What causes lightening and thunder?

doo doo