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I was told by my gastrologist that it is caused by herbal supplements and drinks. Which include colon cleansers, diet supplements, and herbal drinks. I was told to never use anything herbal again and it should correct it self in 5 years.

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4mo ago

Melanosis Coli is caused by the accumulation of pigments called lipofuscin in the colon, typically due to the breakdown of cells or cellular debris. This condition can also occur in individuals who have a history of chronic constipation or prolonged contact with certain medications or toxins, even if laxatives are not used.

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Q: What causes Melanosis Coli if you are not using laxatives?
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What causes melanosis coli?

The most common cause of melanosis coli is an extended use of laxatives. This condition is basically a disorder in the pigmentation of the wall of the colon.

What else would cause melnosis colis besides using laxatives?

Melanosis Coli most commonly occur due to extensive use of laxative containing anthaquinone. Other causes include increase in colonic epithelial apoptosis which means automated cell death of the surface of the intestines in people with no history of laxative use.

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Melanosis means condition of excess melanin, or pigmentation.

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E Coli (assuming that's what you meant) is Esherichia coli, a dangerous bacteria that causes food poisoning.

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What causes a man to get an e coli UTI?

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