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Jupiter has so many gases that it swirls together and make a storm

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3w ago

Jupiter's stormy weather is primarily caused by its fast rotation and the planet's strong internal heat source. The combination of these factors leads to the formation of powerful jet streams and storm systems, such as the Great Red Spot, on the planet's surface.

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Q: What causes Jupiters stormy weather?
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Stormy weather is characterized by strong winds, heavy rainfall, thunder, and lightning. It can also bring about severe weather phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, and flash floods. The turbulent conditions of stormy weather can pose risks to both property and personal safety.

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Thunder and/or lightning is a feature of stormy weather.

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Jupiter's fast winds are primarily caused by its rapid rotation, completing a day in less than 10 hours. This rotation creates strong jet streams that drive the planet's dynamic weather patterns. Additionally, Jupiter's massive size and thick atmosphere contribute to its stormy weather, with large-scale convection currents leading to the formation of powerful storms, notably the Great Red Spot.

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Lena Horne is the best known singer of Stormy Weather.

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The noun form for the adjective stormy is storminess.

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because it is not safe to travel when the weather is stormy.

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