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Alpha radiation consists of very heavy particles that can easily be stopped by a piece of paper. Beta radiation is much lighter and can be stopped by maybe 1/2 inch to 1 inch thick paper. Gamma radiation is high energy electromagnetic waves ( like x - rays) and can penetrate very much farther. Usually attenuation of gamma is referred to as tenth thickness or the thichness of a material that will decrease the amound of gamma rays penetrating it to 1/10 th of the original amount.

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Q: What can each type of nuclear decay be stopped by?
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How do you do nuclear decay equations?

To write nuclear decay equations, you would typically start with the parent nucleus and identify the type of decay (alpha, beta, gamma). Then, you would balance the equation by conserving mass number and atomic number on both sides of the equation. Finally, you write the decay products. Remember to include the correct particles emitted during the decay process.

What is parity violation beta decay?

Parity violation beta decay is a type of nuclear decay process in which the weak nuclear force violates the conservation of parity. In regular beta decay, the emitted electron or positron has a preferred direction of emission, violating the principle of parity conservation. This phenomenon was first observed in the decay of cobalt-60 nuclei in a landmark experiment conducted in the 1950s by Wu and colleagues.

What would happen to the type of atom when the number of protons is changed?

It would become an atom of a different element. This can only happen during radioactive decay, nuclear fusion, or nuclear fission.

What type of nuclear decay produces energy instead of a particle?

Gamma decay produces energy in the form of gamma rays, which are high-energy electromagnetic radiation, instead of particles. Gamma decay occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus transitions to a lower energy state by releasing gamma rays.

What term indicates the process in which unstable nuclide release radiation?

If it is related to Nuclear studies, then the answer would be fusion.

Related questions

What is the nuclear decay for francium?

Francium-223 decay to radium-223; each isotope have another type of decay.

Which is not a type of nuclear decay?


Do element identities reamin the same or change during nuclear decay?

That depends on the nuclear decay type. For gamma decay, the identity does NOT change, but for alpha and beta, it does.

Type of nuclear decay consisting of a helium nucleus?

Alpha decay. Alpha particles are the same as a helium-4 nucleus.

What type of force is involed in nuclear decay?

strong force & weak force

In what type of nuclear decay does an element lose a neutron and emit an electron and gain a proton?

This type of decay is called β- (beta minus) decay. A link is provided to a related question with a descriptive answer that details the process.

What type nuclear decay produces particles that are identical to the helium nucleus?

an alpha particle

What type of nuclear decay occurs when U-238 becomes Th-234?


What is the type of nuclear decay used in nuclear reactors to produce electricity?

The type of nuclear decay used in nuclear reactors to produce electricity is nuclear fission. This process involves the splitting of heavy atomic nuclei, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, into lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat. The heat generated is then used to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity.

Which one of these is not a type of nuclear decay A. Epsilon B. Alpha C. Beta D. Gamma?


Which one of these is not a type of nuclear decay A-Epsilon B-Alphas C-Beta D-Gamma?

A. Epsilon

How do you do nuclear decay equations?

To write nuclear decay equations, you would typically start with the parent nucleus and identify the type of decay (alpha, beta, gamma). Then, you would balance the equation by conserving mass number and atomic number on both sides of the equation. Finally, you write the decay products. Remember to include the correct particles emitted during the decay process.