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Water can dissolve some susceptible minerals. Very hot water,particularlyunder pressure, can dissolve many minerals. Acidic hot water would especially be effective in mineral dissolution. Very pure hot acidic fluids would be most effective in mineral dissolution.

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Q: What can dissolve minerals that hold rocks together?
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What process happens when minerals are precipitated out of water and hold particle of rocks together?

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What process happens when minerals are precipitated out of water and hold particles of rocks together?

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Three most common natural cements that hold sedimentary rocks together?

Calcite: Formed from calcium carbonate precipitation, calcite cement is a common cement in sedimentary rocks like limestone. Silica: Silica cement is composed of quartz grains and acts as a binding agent in sandstone and other sedimentary rocks. Clay minerals: Clay minerals like illite and kaolinite can act as cementing agents in sedimentary rocks, holding grains together through mineral precipitation.

What holds the grains of rocks together in rocks?

Minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and calcite act as a binding agent to hold the grains of rocks together. These minerals form crystalline structures that interlock with one another, creating a cohesive rock matrix. Cementing agents like silica, calcite, or iron oxide can also fill in the spaces between mineral grains and act as a glue to bind the rock particles together.

How is Water Present In rocks and Minerals?

Water can be present in rocks and minerals in several ways. It can be contained within the mineral structure (known as structural water), absorbed on the surface of the minerals (adsorbed water), or trapped in pore spaces within the rock. Water content in rocks and minerals can vary greatly depending on the type of mineral and rock.

Which is more easily broken in a contest between the two rocks quartzite and sandstone?

Sandstone. Whereas sandstone relies on cementing minerals of various types to hold it together, quartzite is held together by an interlocking mosaic of mostly recrystallized quartz , making it one tough rock.

Were do the cements that hold sediments together come from?

Sedimentary rocks come from the fragments of pre-existing rocks called sediments. There are three types of sedimentary rocks, each coming from different kinds of sediments. Clastic sedimentary rocks are created from the broken pieces of other rocks, while chemical sedimentary rocks form from mineral crystals like halite and gypsum

What is the process in which minerals hold sediment together like glue making a detrital sedimentary rock?


What is it called when a mineral acts like glue to hold sediments together?

The process where minerals act like glue to bind sediments together is known as cementation. This occurs when minerals precipitate out of water and fill the spaces between sediment particles, creating a solid rock.

Why are rocks important to science?

Rocks are important to science because they hold valuable information about Earth's history, such as past environments, climate conditions, and geological processes. By studying rocks, scientists can better understand the Earth's past and present, and make informed predictions about the future. Rocks also provide clues about the formation of minerals, fossils, and natural resources.

What happens when minerals are precipitated out of water and hold particles of rock together?

It is the process of cementation that occurs during the lithification process.

Why do gummy bears dissolve in vinegar?

Gummy bears dissolve in vinegar because vinegar is acidic. The acid breaks down the bonds that hold the gummy bear together, causing it to dissolve. This process is similar to how acid in your stomach breaks down food during digestion.