Weather changes faster.
Weather is the conditions of the atmosphere in an area at a specific point in time. Climate is the average trend in weather conditions in an area over a period of time.
For example one could say summers are warm and dry and they're referring to climate, on the other hand that same person could say it is cold and rainy right now and they would be referring to the weather.
Weather can change quickly or within a short period of time, while climate refers to long-term patterns and averages of atmospheric conditions over a larger geographic area. Weather changes can occur daily or even hourly, whereas climate changes are observed over many years or decades.
Because the climate change
The disappearance of the world's rainforests can lead to changes in weather patterns globally. Rainforests play a crucial role in regulating our climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, so their loss can contribute to increased greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. This can result in altered precipitation patterns, leading to more extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves.
historical climate change effect on current biogeography.climate change has important implication.
Why We Disagree About Climate Change was created on 2009-04-30.
The ozone layer is very important to climate change. It's depletion can cause climate adversity.
Because of the climate change , were not used to the change of wheather
No. Nothing.
because of a climate change in the weather. the wheather in greenland dirastically dropped forcing the vikings to explore new lands
it s 1000000
how did the chumash home change as the wheather change
how did the chumash home change as the wheather change
food, climate, wheather, blood resoures, technology,and LOVE.also care
because the climate was cold,and it was hard to farm in the wheather
they can describe the weather or climate
Wheather the wheather is cold or wheather the wheather is hot we'll wheather the wheather whatever the wheather wheather it's wheather or not. And it will always be "not" because something you clearly forgot is that "wheather" is not a real word for the "weather" so that is the answer you've got.
Explorers of where? most likely: climate/wheather, disease, hostile natives, terrain
well its a lot faster than when your not in prestige and it depends on your skill level and wheather your a booster or not