Many petrochemical products; the type depend on your specific application.
Sponge iron is used as a raw material in the production of steel through the electric arc furnace or basic oxygen furnace routes. It is typically used as a substitute for traditional iron ore in steelmaking processes due to its higher iron content and lower impurities.
blast furnace
1KG of transformer oil will sum up to 0.815litres.
Some alternatives to silicone in baking could be vegetable oils, butter, or coconut oil. These can be used as a substitute in recipes that call for silicone-based nonstick sprays or pans.
Vanaspati is a hydrogenated vegetable oil made by hydrolyzing vegetable fats. It is commonly used as a substitute for ghee in cooking and baking.
Furnace oil is the source of fuel used by the heating system to create a consistent warmth when required.
Vegetable Oil Fuel Conversion
How can you covert an oil furnace to an electric furnace
canola oil is the best substitute for palm oil. it can be used for toiletries too.
Furnace oil is mainly measured in centistokes (cST). It could vary frm 0-1000 cSt. It basically means the quality of furnace oil used in your application process. For eg. In Furnace oil boiler its mostly recommended at 125 cST grade to be used. The better the furnace oil the better its is for your equipment giving less maintenance cost and saving energy in process. There are other factors like pour point, flash point, etc which are also major factors in furnace oil and would be available with your furnace oil supplier.
form_title= Oil Furnace Installation form_header= Heat up your home with an oil furnace. Do you need an old furnace removed? *= () Yes () No Do you currently have an oil furnace?*= () Yes () No How old is your home?*= _ [50]
spray oil
you can substitute oil with applesauce. it makes the cake healthier and more spongy. don't worry, you can't taste it.
Slag from a blast furnace is usually ground down and used as a cement substitute as it is re-use of a waste product - it is not used on its own in concrete as the chemical reaction will not produce the same strength as proper cement.
Kerosene and home heating oil can be mixed in a oil furnace. Kerosene is thinner than heating oil. Mixed together will make the furnace burn cleaner.
The most important thing to check when buying a used oil furnace is does it still work. Check to see the condition it is in, check all wires, tubes, etc. The best bet would have a furnace man check it as he would know what to look for.