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put it in water if it is oxygen you will see bubbles =)

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4mo ago

Noble gases can be made visible by either using a discharge tube to apply an electric current, causing them to emit colored light, or by forming compounds with other elements that exhibit color. For example, xenon can produce a blue glow when electrically excited, and radon can form compounds that emit visible light.

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14y ago

put it in water if it is oxygen you will see bubbles

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Q: What can be done to make noble gases visible?
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Why noble gasses are not active?

Noble gases are not active because of their outer shells. The outer shells of these gases are full of 8 valence electrons, which make them stable and inert.

What sentence can you make using the word noble?

The farthest right column of the periodic table contains the noble gases.

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Noble gases. They are found in Group 18 of the periodic table and have full outer electron shells which make them stable and unreactive with other elements.

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A common name for the elements in group 18 of the periodic table is the noble gases.

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Inert gases, or noble gases, make up the 18th column on the periodic table. The names of the gases (in order from top to bottom) are: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon.

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noble gases are of very importance in our daily life as we make conclusions about the other valence shell completion of other elements by knowing the noble gases valence electronic configuration

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there are five noble gasses. They are noble because they cannot combine with anything. Nitrogen is noble because nitrates make awesome explosives Boom no go noble gas

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Mendeleev was unable to make predictions about the noble gas elements because at the time, they were not yet discovered or known to exist. The noble gases were not discovered until after Mendeleev had already developed the periodic table, so he did not have any data or knowledge to work with to make predictions about these elements.

The elements in group 18 of the periodic table?

The elements in group 18 of the periodic table are known as the noble gases. This group includes helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Noble gases are typically non-reactive and exist as single atoms due to their stable electronic configuration.