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If a fetus with a defective karyotype is identified, options may include genetic counseling, further diagnostic testing like amniocentesis, and discussions with medical professionals to understand the implications for the baby's health and potential treatment options. Some parents may consider termination of pregnancy depending on personal beliefs and the severity of the genetic condition.

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Q: What can be done if a fetus with a defective karyotype is identified?
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How does a cell rid itself of defective of malfunctioning organelles?

Cells can rid themselves of defective or malfunctioning organelles through a process called autophagy. This involves the formation of a double-membrane structure called an autophagosome, which engulfs the damaged organelles and delivers them to lysosomes for degradation. The breakdown products are then recycled for reuse by the cell.

What can karyotypes determine?

Karyotypes can determine the number, size, and shape of chromosomes in an individual's cells. This can be used to diagnose genetic disorders, identify chromosomal abnormalities, and provide information about an individual's genetic makeup.

Does a fetus dream?

It is not definitively known if fetuses dream as they do not have developed brains or cognitive functions to support dreaming. The brain activity in fetuses is mostly focused on basic biological functions necessary for development.

How can oxygen deprivation of fetuses be determined?

Oxygen deprivation in fetuses can be determined by monitoring the fetal heart rate patterns using electronic fetal monitoring. This can be done during labor and delivery to assess the oxygen supply to the fetus. Other signs such as decreased fetal activity or low oxygen levels in the mother's blood may also indicate oxygen deprivation in the fetus.

What is amino centesis?

Amniocentesis is a prenatal procedure where a small sample of amniotic fluid is taken to test for genetic abnormalities in a fetus. It is usually done between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy and can help identify conditions like Down syndrome, spina bifida, and other chromosomal abnormalities.

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Could a karyotype be used to recognize the damage radiation had done to a chromosome please explain why?

A karyotype can be used to recognize the damage radiation had done to a chromosome because of the chromosomal differences between males and females.

What is a karyotype and what two things can be determined from it?

A karyotype is a visual representation of an individual's chromosomes arranged in a standardized format. From a karyotype, you can determine the number of chromosomes present and any abnormalities such as missing or extra chromosomes.

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when you get done with the first stage

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they are cofiscated then throw out they are also recycled

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What is shown is a karyotype?

A karyotype is simply a picture of a person's chromosomes. In order to get this picture, the chromosomes are isolated, stained, and examined under the microscope. Most often, this is done using the chromosomes in the white blood cells. A picture of the chromosomes is taken through the microscope.

What is shown on a karyotype?

A karyotype is simply a picture of a person's chromosomes. In order to get this picture, the chromosomes are isolated, stained, and examined under the microscope. Most often, this is done using the chromosomes in the white blood cells. A picture of the chromosomes is taken through the microscope.

Can the mother of an aborted fetus say what can and can not be done to the fetus?

She have the choice of leave it to the hospital or bury it. There are laws on how to dispose human tissue so she can not decide completely.

What stage does alcohol hurt the fetus?

All stages, however I believe most of the damage can be done in the first 4 months until the fetus is almost completely developed.

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naturally no (extra organs tend to be defective or from an absorbed twin but still defective) transplants can be done with lots of difficulties, no one has done such a surgery and reported it. (officially of course) 177

Does the diaphragm function in fetus pig?

No, because it gets it's gas exchange done by it's mother.

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