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Floods can add sediments and nutrients to soil.

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Q: What can add sediments and nutrients to soil hurricane tornado flood or earthquake?
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What is the strongest hurricane or earthquake or tornado?


What is stonger than a tornado?

a hurricane or a 10. earthquake

What are example of ecological succession?

A forest fire, Earthquake, Tornado, Hurricane. Basically, anything that disturbs or damages. A forest fire, Earthquake, Tornado, Hurricane. Basically, anything that disturbs or damages.

What is demographic disaster?

A demographic disaster is when a huge area is destroyed by something. This could be a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake.

What is the most dangerous hurricane tornado tsunami or earthquake?

The one that you are nearest to. All are dangerous depending on their location.

Is a hurricane the most powerful natural disaster?

No. In terms of wind speed a tornado is the strongest. In terms of energy released and earthquake is the strongest.

What is a natural diasater that occurs in Vermont?

the Noreaster A wicked bad snowstorm Very, very, very rare the we have earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc

Which is not a class a disaster tornado hurricane earthquake or fire?

Fire. While fire can occur naturally, many fires nowadays are started by humans.

How can hurricane chris become the deadliest tornado?

It can't. A hurricane can't become a tornado.

What are some events that change a habitat?

Natural disasters such as a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake. Man made 'disasters' such as a fire, toxic waste, or deforestation.

Is a Katrina hurricane worst than a flood and a tornado and an earthquake and a snow storm?

There is no such things as "a Katrina hurricane." Hurricane Katrina was a particular hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast in 2005. Hurricane Katrina was worse than any tornado on record and deadlier and more destructive than any recorded snowstorm. Katrina was worse than most earthquakes, but not all. Hurricane Katrina killed about 1,800 people. Some earthquakes have had death tolls in the hundreds of thousands.

Can a hurricane be shaped as a tornado?

No, a hurricane is a huge storm hundreds of miles wide. A tornado is tiny by comparison.