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Through the cell membrane.

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Q: What can Water oxygen and carbon dioxide can enter a cell through?
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Through what structure does water oxygen and carbon dioxide can enter a cell?

Water, carbon dioxide and oxygen can enter a cell through the plasma membrane.

What elements are cycled through the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose and oxygen. In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are used to produce energy (ATP), carbon dioxide, and water. So, carbon and oxygen are elements that are cycled through both processes.

Write a procedure for distinguishing between oxygen gas and carbon dioxide gas?

If carbon dioxide and oxygen are bubbled through lime water separately the lime water through which carbon dioxide has been bubbled turns milky while the lime water through which oxygen is bubbled remains unaffected.

 What can pass through the stomata?

Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Water

What is the gas that enters through the stomata?

Both carbon dioxide and oxygen found in air enters through the stomata. More at Link

Does sweat contain oxygen or carbon dioxide?

No, sweat does not contain oxygen or carbon dioxide. Sweat is primarily composed of water and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged through the lungs during respiration.

What does a plant convert carbon dioxide into?

A plant converts carbon dioxide into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. This process involves capturing sunlight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

Which gases will be exchanged in the stomata?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide. (O2) and (CO2)

What are the word equations for processes that release or store carbon doixide?

The word equation for the process that releases carbon dioxide through respiration is glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy. The word equation for the process that stores carbon dioxide through photosynthesis is carbon dioxide + water + sunlight -> glucose + oxygen.

How do carbon dioxide oxygen and water pass into and out of a leaf?

Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through small openings called stomata. Inside the leaf, carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis to produce oxygen and glucose. Oxygen and excess water exit the leaf through the stomata as byproducts of photosynthesis and transpiration, respectively.

How do you make oxygen in alchemy classic?

In Alchemy Classic, you can create oxygen by combining carbon dioxide and water. This can be achieved by first creating carbon dioxide through various combinations and then combining it with water to form oxygen.

What takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide and water?

The respiratory system takes in oxygen through the lungs and removes carbon dioxide and water as waste products during the process of breathing. Oxygen is transported to cells in the body for energy production, while carbon dioxide is expelled from the body through exhalation.