zonula ciliaris (a ligament in the eye holding the lens in place.
Zonule of Zinn
zoster immune globulin
zygomatic bone in your face(pair)
zygomaticus Major and minor ( they are groups of muscles around your mouth)
Zygomatic bone which is a part of the skull.
zigomatic bone
zigomatic arch
What are some parts of the body that begin with the letter z
The zygomatic process. Its part of the skull between the cheek and the ear. If you Google it you should get some pictures as its a bit hard to describe in text.
Body part beginning with a z
There is no human organ that starts with the letter "z." Organs in the human body include the heart, lungs, and liver, but not one that starts with "z."
There is no commonly known body part that starts with the letter Z.
Zygomatic Arch
Blood pressure and body temperature could be appropriate internal body conditions to replace the letter "z" on the axis. Both of these conditions are important indicators of overall health and can vary significantly between individuals.
Sure! Here are some words that start with the letter "z": zebra, zipper, zucchini, zero, zoo.
z get a brain
body parts a-z
body parts a-z
Zonules is a body part. It is part of the eye.
what engineers start with the letter z
no states start with the letter Z
The zygomatic bone is in the human skull. It is the cheekbone.
The Zygomatic bone in the cheek.
no no frog types start with the letter Z
Ankle, biceps, chin, diaphragm, eyebrow, face, gallbladder, hamstring, iris, jawbone, kidneys, larynx and molars are body parts that start with letters a-m. Nostrils, organs, pelvis, quadriceps, retina, spleen, toenail, uterus, veins, windpipe, xiphoid process, yellow marrow and the zonules part of the eye are body parts that begin with letters n-z.
Zygoma (it's one of the facial bones) Zygomatic arch
There are no English pronouns that start with the letter Z. The furthest letter that English pronouns can start with is Y.