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Aristotle believed that the liver functioned merely to cool the blood.

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Q: What body organ did Aristotle believe functioned merely to cool the blood?
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What three groups did Aristotle use to group animals?

Aristotle grouped animals into three categories based on their modes of reproduction: 1) viviparous animals that give birth to live young, 2) oviparous animals that lay eggs, and 3) ovoviviparous animals that produce eggs that hatch within the body.

How did Aristotle classified animals on the basis of?

Aristotle classified animals based on their locomotion abilities. He categorized them into animals with blood (vertebrates) and animals without blood (invertebrates). Within these groups, he further classified animals based on their characteristics and behaviors.

What pumps blood in earthworms?

In earthworms, blood is pumped by a muscular blood vessel called the dorsal blood vessel. This vessel runs along the top side of the digestive tract and contracts rhythmically to circulate the blood throughout the worm's body.

What is the smallest formed element in the blood?

Thrombocytes are the smallest formed elements in the blood. In my Medical Terminology book, it says "The smallet formed elements found in blood are platelets. Although they are sometimes called thrombocytes, they are not true cells, as the term erroneously suggests, but merely fragments of cells."

How many groups did Aristotle use to classify organisms?

Aristotle divided living things into plants and animals and then subdivided animals into land, water and air. He subdivided plants into small, medium, and large. This caused problem because some animals traveled by walking, swimming and flying.

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What organ did Aristotle think the blood cooled?

Aristotle believed that the blood was cooled by the brain.

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What do you know about Aristotle?

Aristotle believed the main purpose of the human brain was to cool the blood.

What is one of the main disputes between Protestants and Catholics transubstantiation?

Catholics believe that the elements of bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ during the consecration of the Mass. Protestants believe the elements are merely symbols of Christ body and blood.

How did Aristotle subdivied his two groups?

Aristotle subdivided his two groups of animals based on their blood. He classified animals as either having blood (vertebrates) or not having blood (invertebrates).

What is protestant communion?

The body and blood of Christ received in remembrance of His death till He comes....most believe Christ is actually really present there with them but that the elements are merely symbolic, as opposed to Roman Catholics who believe the wafer actually becomes His flesh and the wine His physical blood (transubstantiation)

How did Aristotle classify organisms?

Aristotle classified living organisms by dividing them into two groups; those with red blood and those without. brug

Who is Aristotle and how did he contribute to classification?

Aristotle was the first to classify plants into trees, shrubs and herbs. He also classified animals into those which contain red blood cells and tose which do not contain red blood cells.

What two groups did Aristotle divide animals into?

Aristotle divided animals into two groups: those with red blood (vertebrates) and those without red blood (invertebrates).

Do you have to fast for a hematocrit why or why not?

no. it is merely the ratio of blood volume test.

Was the first taxonomist to group animals by blood color and plants by size and shape?


Is there a real camp half blood?

No. Camp Half-Blood is merely a fragment of Rick Riordan's intelligent imagination.