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For example the transformation of liquid water in vapors (vaporization).

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Q: What best represents a physical change?
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Consider the burning of gasoline and the evaporation of gasoline which process represents a chemical change and which represents a physical change?

The burning of gasoline represents a chemical change because it involves a reaction with oxygen to produce heat, light, and new chemical compounds. On the other hand, the evaporation of gasoline represents a physical change as it involves the gasoline changing from a liquid to a gas without any change in its chemical composition.

Is breaded toast a physical or chemical change?

Toasting bread represents a chemical change.

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Tearing paper represents a physical and not a chemical change. Chemical bonds are not broken in this instance, but paper is physically separated (by force) from other paper.

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Spoiled food of any kind represents a CHEMICAL change.

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i m pretty sure a colour change represents a Chemical change

Which equation represents a physical change?

The equation H2O (l) → H2O (g) represents a physical change because it describes the phase change of water from liquid to gas without any change in the chemical composition of water molecules.

Is slicing turkey a physical or a chemical?

Slicing turkey represents a physical change, not a chemical change. The chemical composition of the sliced turkey is identical to the chemical composition of the intact turkey. Only a physical change has taken place.

Is evaporation a chemical or physical reaction?

Evaporation represents the uptake of energy by the liquid that results in a physical change. (phase or state of matter)

Does peach cobbler represent a physical or chemical change?

Peach cobbler represents a dessert.

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Corrosion represents a CHEMICAL change.

How do you know when a physical change is taking place?

The best way to know when a physical change is taking place is to observe. There will be a visible change in physical changes.

Is humidity a physical change?

Humidity itself is not a physical change, but a physical property of the air that can change based on temperature and pressure. Humidity represents the amount of water vapor present in the air, and can vary without altering the composition of the air itself.