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Mary Shelley

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Kailah Woellert

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Q: What author first envisioned the conflict that would result from creating new life out of dead body parts?
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What do mudcracks result from?

Mudcracks result from the drying and shrinking of wet sediment or mud. As the mud dries, it contracts and fractures into polygonal patterns, creating the characteristic appearance of mudcracks. They are common in areas that experience alternating wet and dry conditions.

What may form as a direct result of the star collapsing?

A direct result of a star collapsing could be the formation of a black hole. This occurs when the core of a massive star collapses under its own gravity, creating a region of space with such strong gravitational pull that not even light can escape.

What can a geological barrier result in?

A geological barrier can result in the isolation of different ecosystems, leading to unique species adaptations and biodiversity. It can also limit the movement of species, creating distinct populations on either side of the barrier. Additionally, geological barriers can influence the flow of water, affecting hydrological processes in a region.

What type of plate boundary is creating redoubt cook inlet Alaska volcano?

The Mount Redoubt, like the other volcanoes of southern Alaska, is the result of a convergent plate boundary, specifically a subduction zone.

Why do different landforms result at convergent boundaries and divergent boundaries?

Different landforms result at convergent boundaries because the tectonic plates are colliding, causing one plate to be pushed beneath the other (subduction) or creating mountains. Divergent boundaries result in landforms like rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges because the plates are separating, allowing magma to rise and create new crust.

Related questions

Which author first envisioned the conflict that would result from creating new life out of dead body parts?

mary shelley

Who first envisioned the conflict that would result from creating new life out of dead body parts?

Mary Shelley

The author of conflict in rwanda asserts that the root of the civil war there was a result of?

the author of conflict in rwanda asserts that root of the civil war there was a result of?

The author of conflict in rwanda asserts that the root of the civil war there was a result of what?

The author of "Conflict in Rwanda" asserts the root of the civil war was a result of ethnic hatred. During the colonial times, the Tutsi's were considered superior to the Hutus, creating jealousy and hatred. Also, the Tutsi traditionally grew cattle, much more lucrative than the simple farming of the Hutus.

The difference between conflict and crisis?

I would say a crisis is the result of a conflict. The conflict escalates into a crisis when it takes too long to solve the issue and other issues get intermingled into the conflict creating a crisis.

What is change and conflict?

conflict and change is when there is conflict between or within societies,change is the result.

In the late 1790s a conflict between the US government and the french government took place through the tensions associated with this conflict did not result in an official war the us government took?

The government built up the U.S. military by creating the Navy Department and strengthening the army.

Did the conflict result in a lasting peace?


Did conflict result in a lasting peace?


What is the definition of Conflict and change?

when there is conflict between or with societies,change is the result

who: In the late 1790s, a conflict between the United States government and the French government took place. Though the tensions associated with this conflict did not result in an official war, the U.S. government took which of the following actions?

The government built up the U.S. military by creating the Navy Department and strengthening the army

What conflict is expressed in behavior?

Conflict resolution is a behavior practice that involves openly expressing a conflict to prevent negative feelings or actions as a result of the conflict.