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Tendons and muscles. It's the tendons that attach the bone to the muscle.

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Q: What attaches to bone and causes them to move?
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A tendon attaches one bone to another?

No, a tendon attaches a muscle to bone. A ligament attaches a bone to another bone.

Is ligament the mart of a muscle that attches the muscle to bone?

Ligament attaches bone to bone tendon attaches muscle to bone

What structure attaches muscle to bone?

Tendons structure attaches muscle to bone. They are strong, fibrous cords that transmit the force generated by muscles to move the bones.

Attaches bone to bone?


A muscle causes a bone to move by?


Why are the tendons important to the muscle's ability to make the body move?

they have cartilage so they an move. also, beause tendon attaches musle to bone

What attaches bone to bone as in the skull?

SuturesThe Coronal suture attaches the frontal with the parietal.The Squamous suture attaches the temporal with the parietal.The Lambdoid suture attaches the parietal with the occipital.

Why connects a bones to another bone?

a ligament attaches bone to bone

What attaches to muscle to bone?

Tendons... Ligaments attach bone to bone

What attaches bone to muscle?

Tendons... Ligaments attach bone to bone

What causes a joint to move?

Joints are moved by muscles that contract and relax. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons, and when the muscles contract, they pull on the bones, causing the joint to move. The movement of joints allows for various activities such as walking, running, and reaching.

What attaches tendon to bone?

Tendons attach to the periosteum of bone.