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Electrons are the atomic particles found in the orbitals or energy levels outside the nucleus of an atom. Electrons have a negative charge and are involved in chemical bonding and determining an element's reactivity.

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Q: What atomic particle is found in the orbitals or energy levels outside the nucle us?
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The particle that moves around the nucleus is?

An electron is the particle that moves around the nucleus of an atom in specific energy levels or orbitals.

Show Potential energy curve for bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals?

In a bonding molecular orbital, the potential energy decreases as the bond forms between two atomic orbitals, resulting in a stable, lower-energy state compared to the individual atomic orbitals. In an antibonding molecular orbital, the potential energy increases as the two atomic orbitals interact, leading to a higher-energy, less stable configuration due to destructive interference between the atomic orbitals.

How many electrons are in the nucleus of an atom with the atomic number of 20?

None. Electrons are found in energy levels outside the nucleus, not in it. An atomic number of 20 tells you there are 20 protons in the nucleus of an atom, and 20 electrons in energy levels (or shells or orbitals depending on which model of the atom you are using) outside the nucleus.

How is a molecular orbital formed?

A molecular orbital is formed by combining atomic orbitals from different atoms. When these atomic orbitals overlap, they can either constructively or destructively interfere, forming new molecular orbitals that are a combination of the original atomic orbitals. It is through this process of orbital overlap that molecular orbitals are created.

The order in which atomic orbitals are filled is based on what factor?

It is based on many factors, but the easiest to understand is ENERGY. The orbitals in which the electron has the lowest energy are filled FIRST.

Which name describes the major energy levels of elrctrons?

I believe atomic orbitals

Is it true that with hybridization several atomic orbitals overlap to form the same total number of equivalent hybrid orbitals?

Yes, that is true. During hybridization, atomic orbitals from the same atom or different atoms overlap to form new hybrid orbitals with equal energy and identical shapes. These hybrid orbitals are a combination of atomic orbitals and are used to describe the geometry of molecules.

A figure indicating the relative sizes and energies of atomic orbitals?

Atomic orbitals are regions in space where electrons are likely to be found. The sizes of atomic orbitals increase as the principal quantum number (n) increases. The energy of atomic orbitals increases with increasing principal quantum number and decreasing distance from the nucleus. The shape of atomic orbitals is determined by the angular momentum quantum number (l).

Negative charged particle in atom?

The negative charged particle in an atom is the electron. Electrons are located outside the nucleus in energy levels or orbitals. They have a fundamental role in determining the chemical behavior of an atom due to their ability to form bonds with other atoms.

Which is the lowest energy level that contains d orbitals?

The lowest energy level that has F orbitals is the fourth energy level. The Atomic orbital of any atom only contains 2 electrons.

What meant by hybridization of atomic orbital?

Hybridization of atomic orbitals is the intermixing of atomic orbitals having a approximate energy to form equal number of hybrid orbitals having the same shape, size and energy but pointing in different directions. The new orbitals which are formed are "hybrids" of the originals and have properties that are somewhere in between. For example, a common hybridization is sp3 where three p orbitals combine with an s orbital to form four new orbitals. Other combinations (such as sp and sp2) are also possible.

How does the energy level of a hybrid orbital compare with the energy levels of the orbitals it was formed from?

The energy level of a hybrid orbital falls in between the energy levels of the atomic orbitals it was formed from. This is because hybridization involves mixing atomic orbitals to form new orbitals with different shapes and energies.